Medicohealth: Fourth place in OriginTrail’s Open Call!
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3 min readFeb 6, 2019

Medicohealth has been voted one of the 10 winning teams in OriginTrail’s Open Call by their community. We came in number 4.

What is OriginTrail’s Open Call?

The OriginTrail community chose the top 10 most promising use cases for supply chains and guided companies in starting to use the OriginTrail protocol. They said that they are looking for teams: “who have the potential to transform global supply chains with the help of OriginTrail. The OriginTrail ecosystem, combined with the projects’industry expertise, and access to our mentorship, will enable the winning teams to ideate and experiment with new business models and unlock new value for the global supply chain industry and seize its huge potential.”

Medicohealth is so proud to be acknowledged as such a project. Winning projects will receive up to USD 30,000 worth of funds and mentorship to implement their vision in the OriginTrail blockchain ecosystem.

“2/3 of the world’s GDP is generated in supply chains. Businesses see supply chains as the most prominent use of blockchain technology,” OriginTrail wrote on their website. That is why this prize is so important. Not only that we will get new funds for an even better platform, but we will also get mentorship, workshop with the OriginTrail team and project promotion.

External Committee Members

Also, three external members helped to decide about the winners — all 3 of them experts in the field of business and innovation. Petar Savić is a Supreme Factory Founder and Startup Grind Europe, London and Malta Co-Director. John G. Keogh is the president & managing principal at Shantalla Inc. Toronto, Canada & Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He is also a chairman of Trace Alliance. Mark Kalin is a management Board Member in European Blockchain Hub and Assistant of Chief Innovation and Digital Officer, BTC d.d.

What is OriginTrail?

The OriginTrail — an open-source protocol that brings trusted data sharing to global supply chains by utilizing blockchain technology developed Decentralized Network (ODN) that is built for data integrity and validation in inter-organizational environments based on globally recognized standards and great graph data structures. With existing use cases across different industries, OriginTrail is the foundation for the next generation of business applications.

The OriginTrail protocol ensures the compatibility of data between different IT systems — like SAP, IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft — as well as with other blockchain solutions. It enables businesses to seamlessly share and secure data, bringing new clarity to complex supply chains. By bridging different technologies, it provides an incredible foundation for companies to build their blockchain-powered business models and enterprise solutions on.

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Medicohealth is a health portal with the objective to support patients in their search for the right doctor for their health concerns.