Medicohealth’s solution for the anti-doping system
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2019

In the latest OriginTrail’s Open Call by their community, where chose the top 10 most promising use cases for supply chains and guided companies in starting to use the OriginTrail protocol, Medicohealth came in number 4! Our solution convinced OriginTrail’s community to vote for us.

Our solution — Doping control

Doping control has to perform in a very complex environment with constant challenges posed to its methods, protocols, results, immutability, and integrity. It involves the interrelated medical, legal, political, moral, ethical and organizational challenges.

ADOs collected a total of 229,514 samples in 2016, analyzed by WADA-accredited Laboratories and reported in ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration and Management System).

The anti-doping system and blockchain

The anti-doping system requires a decentralized database which can protect data security, data integrity, and data immutability. The blockchain is already able to ensure solutions on the level of sample collection protocol integrity and as well on the level of results immutability and security. The blockchain could represent the missing link to securing athletes’ medical records, the interconnections between actors in the Olympic community and to guarantee prosecution in the fight against doping and to safeguard clean sports.

Medicohealth’s experiences

Our project is to use the experience of Medicohealth and its partners in healthcare and apply the OT protocol to the existing anti-doping system, vastly improving their purpose.

Considering the high number of users who are granted access to the system, it must be recognized that the barriers opposing external intrusions should be strengthened.

The OT protocol would allow data interoperability (ADAMS) and transparency and immutability to become a reality. The protocol has to be open source and used by many stakeholders to work. By applying the OT protocol to existing anti-doping systems, we address critical challenges connected to data and process integrity, immutability and security.

Bridge to healthcare

This idea is an excellent bridge to healthcare, as we are addressing the part of clinical data that crucially needs traceability. Proving usability in a closed environment would allow for faster expansion to mainstream use.

Let us know, what you think about our solution!

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Medicohealth is a health portal with the objective to support patients in their search for the right doctor for their health concerns.