Therapist 360 — Efficient medical progress tracking
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2019

Every physiotherapist is satisfied when, with the exercises, achieves notable progress of the patient. What is the technical development in the field of patient monitoring? Is paper the only thing available for the work of a physiotherapist? Allow modern solutions to replace paper reports and notebooks with waiting lists.

With the help of a comprehensive solution, you will monitor patient progress from their first phone call to the last physiotherapy visit.

Equipment of every physiotherapy

Therapist 360 is a complete information system for physiotherapy that allows monitoring of the patient from the first phone call to the last visit. The overall patient progress is documented with the help of a simple entry of measurements. Therapist 360 enables the display of services rendered within one therapy inside one window, invoicing self-funding patients or billing insurance companies.


  • Instead of waiting
  • book SMS Notification
  • Management of Invoice with a header self-funding patients
  • signature

Automatic reporting to the referrer

After each physiotherapy, there is created a physiotherapy report, which contains information on a patient, a list of the services performed and the physiotherapist’s opinion on the progress of the patient. The report can be sent to the referrer by e-mail in PDF format, directly from the program Therapist 360.

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