A cover letter that doesn’t suck

As I review the hundredth cover letter, accompanying the hundredth CV, for a role I’m recruiting for at Medicus AI, I can’t help but think about the thwarted opportunities to really make a difference in a pile of almost identical cover letters. “Could I do it better?” I wonder. Here’s what I would have sent.

Serene Touma
Medicus AI
3 min readApr 29, 2019


How I would have applied to the job I’m recruiting for: a cover letter

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Hi Serene,

In my search for somewhere to call home away from home for the next 3–5 years (if not more!), preparation meets luck as I find out that Medicus is growing the marketing team. I couldn’t be more pleased to throw my hat in the ring for what I’m sure is a highly competitive opportunity.

Apart from my CV that highlights the places I’ve worked and things I’ve done, here are 3 reasons why you should consider me:

  1. How I feel about the company and its DNA: Medicus AI is leading a revolution, and I want to be part of it. The more I read about the company, use the app, and explore the waters you are swimming in, I know that I want to swim right along with you. Healthcare is an industry ripe for disruption, and has been for many years. It’s both frustrating to witness but also exciting to fathom. In short, the sea of opportunities is vast, and I want to be on the ship that explores its waters. I want to try, fail, learn, and of course, succeed with you. I want to work with smart and passionate people who share my values, and who believe the same things that I do when it comes to the democratisation of health data and the obsessive approach to data privacy and protection.
  2. My passions and obsessions: Communications is my strong suit. Getting my point across, meticulously researching a topic to argue a case, understanding my audience — especially wondering what keeps them up at night, what they care about, and what would make their life easier or more pleasant. I care deeply about branding, how a company or product is understood and perceived, and how it’s explained and sold to others. I am fascinated by human nature, by how people react to brands, how they engage with products and how they integrate them into their lives. With Medicus AI, it’s particularly exciting, helping people understand their health data and empowering them to make better decisions. The focus on holistic wellbeing at the core of your vision is everything a marketing and communications professional could hope for. In short, the opportunities to market Medicus AI to every stakeholder is exciting, from the biologist toiling in a lab, to the doctor wondering how to better serve her patients, to the user who simply wants to live healthier and better.
  3. My language arsenal:
    I think and dream in English, it’s my native and first language. I’m comfortable writing a press release, arguing a point I’m passionate about, negotiating a better rate, writing an engaging blog post, and appeasing an angry stakeholder.
    My French and Arabic get me by when I need it, in speaking to suppliers, collaborating informally with colleagues, understanding and responding to an email, and ordering a croissant.
    My German is borderline passable, I can speak to a taxi driver, order from a menu and get a general understanding of a conversation I’m eavesdropping on.

If you’re convinced, give me 20 minutes to wow you on a call or in person, and if you feel like I’m a catch, then I look forward to exploring a future with Medicus AI.



Note: the job has now closed and after a long, competitive but fruitful search, we found our catch! Thank you to everyone who applied and who took the time to consider Medicus AI for their future.

To view more opportunities at Medicus AI and apply to join our tribe, visit medicus.ai/jobs.



Serene Touma
Medicus AI

Thinker and writer / podcast junkie / avid reader / amateur chef and even more amateur baker / @medicusai