What is Billinda

Mohomed Faizin
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2022

Billinda is an application that allows all community members to create a trusted network of contacts who may help them out on certain occasions. Imagine that you need something for one-time usage but cannot afford it. especially amid the world’s most difficult economic periods. Therefore, rather than purchasing it, You know that if you can get it from someone close to you then you could probably do it yourself. But how would you go about finding someone close to you? This process can be very time-consuming. There’s where Billinda can turn into your new closest companion who might be able to help you out. In addition to helping you out, these groups can also earn money through the transactions made between each member of the group. With the help of Billinda, you may create or join a “Village” with friends, neighbours, or acquaintances, where you can share, sell or even donate your goods.

The goal is to connect neighbours while also reducing waste and emissions. By lowering the amount of garbage in landfills, Billinda helps you create better communities, save money, conserve space, and preserve the environment.

Of course, there are many online marketplaces where you may sell your old goods, but doing it in person with complete strangers might be uncomfortable and risky. With the aid of Billinda, you may communicate with your personal friends, colleagues, and neighbours.

Learn more at the BIllinda Website — https://billinda.net/en/

Download the app:

Play Store: https://tinyurl.com/y3x6vj2a

App Store: https://tinyurl.com/2uraxc3t

