Meet Medill’s 2021 class of media innovation master’s students


Medill’s newest media innovation master’s students have been taking classes remotely so far. L-R, top to bottom: Grace Miserocchi, César Vázquez, Jennifer Drysdale, Eric Xu, Lark Breen, Ana Suarez, Jiang Li, Rebecca Klein, Tina Tan, Mengjia Xu.

The newest group of Medill School media innovation master’s students is having an unusual educational experience: taking classes remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But they say they are getting a lot out of their experience in the Media Innovation & Content Strategy specialization.

“I feel excited, motivated, and prepared for what’s ahead,” Rebecca Klein said.

The students share an interest in storytelling and a passion for creating publications and media products. They want to help invent the future of journalism and media.

In their remote classes in their first term, they practiced foundational reporting methods, coded mobile-responsive websites using HTML and CSS, studied journalism ethics and law, studied the forces shaping media and were introduced to “design thinking” methods.

In their second quarter, they are all enrolled in Northwestern’s flagship entrepreneurship class, NUvention Web+Media, as well as The Business of Innovation, taught by Jeremy Gilbert, the school’s new Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy. Other courses chosen by individual students include business reporting, Foundations of Video Journalism and Strategic Communications Foundations.

Get to know the MICS class of 2021:

Rebecca Klein

Twitter: @RebeccaFKlein | LinkedIn

Rebecca is a graduate of Oberlin College and Conservatory, where she majored in guitar performance and creative writing with a minor in anthropology. Before coming to Medill, she worked in disability rights advocacy.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“Because of the future-facing focus on digital innovation. My heart will always be with long-form writing and storytelling, but I realized after college that I wanted to learn more about the creation and management of sustainable media products — ones that can enhance and support vital content and creators. Medill seemed like the perfect place to merge my passions and interests in digital media, storytelling, and accessibility!”

Future career and/or life goals?

“My career goal is to combine my passions for digital media, accessibility, and storytelling. In the short term, I’d like to work in content strategy or marketing, but I’d love to one day start my own digital platform focused on innovation in media accessibility.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“This is a tough question — I love so many! If I had to pick the two digital platforms that I use most often, I’d say Axios or The New York Times. I love newsletters, so Axios has me hooked, and The New York Times is my go-to for almost everything from hard news to podcasts to cooking. I love having so much content in one publication, and The New York Times does digital so well.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“Aside from not being able to meet any of my amazing classmates in person, my experience has been incredible. Medill faculty have exceeded all my expectations, and I’ve learned so much even with all the obstacles this year has posed. I feel excited, motivated, and prepared for what’s ahead.”

Grace Miserocchi

Twitter: @gracemiserocchi | LinkedIn

Grace spent four years working as a page designer and layout editor for Gannett and the Tribune Publishing Co. She graduated from Samford University with a degree in journalism and mass communication.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“While working as a news designer, I found myself wanting to be more involved in the decisions being made about the media products I worked on every day. The MICS program offered me a bridge from a more traditional role in media to product development.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“I want a role where I can design and build sustainable news media products and hope to eventually lead an innovative team or publication.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“The 19th is a nonprofit news outlet that reports on politics and policy through the lens of gender. Their reporting offers a unique perspective on politics I don’t see in other publications.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“The program has challenged me in a good way. Despite the restrictions of COVID-19, I’ve been given many opportunities to learn new skills and meet cool people.”

Jennifer Drysdale


Before enrolling at Medill, Jennifer worked for five years as a writer and editor for the Entertainment Tonight website. She’s still working for ET while taking classes. Jennifer earned a degree in communications from the University of Southern California.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“After a few years learning the editorial ropes, my interests have shifted towards tech and business, and how they can propel great journalism. I wanted a better understanding of content strategy and a clearer look at the cogs in the machine — which I’m thrilled to be getting in this program!”

Future career and/or life goals?

“Professionally, I’d love to lead a publication. Personally, I’d love to get better at tattooing, climb Mount Kilimanjaro and own a farm.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“Probably Vulture — I love their voice.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“Riveting! I feel challenged and I love being around so many smart people. I wish that I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and we’d all eat and be happy.”

Ana Suarez


A graduate of William & Mary, where she majored in English and international business, Ana worked as a communications and engagement specialist for her alma mater’s Global Research Institute.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“After graduating from William & Mary, I joined the Global Research Institute as their communications and engagement specialist. My work there exposed me to the impact of content strategy and its important role in connecting with the community. This experience piqued my interest in the field and I became passionate about the impact of digital content to advance purposeful goals.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“I aspire to work in content strategy and audience development in a collaborative and dynamic setting.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“The Lily by The Washington Post because it creatively blends news, content strategy and design seamlessly, and offers a news space for women. I look forward to reading the Lily newsletter every week!”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“I love it! It has been an immersive, relevant and valuable experience. I am excited about the accelerated growth and development of my technical and journalistic skills, and I cannot wait for what’s ahead in the remainder of the program. I’ve appreciated the sense of community created by faculty, staff and peers. It has been a joy being part of Medill!”

Tina Tan

Twitter: TinaTan_1 | LinkedIn | WeChat: tinatan_1

Tina earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri, where she majored in convergence journalism.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“Having worked at several local newsrooms for undergrad has made me realize that the media industry is changing and newsrooms nationwide are finding ways to innovate through digitalization. I came to Medill to learn more about entrepreneurship and the business operations of media companies. Besides, it’s fun designing products from scratch and bringing new ideas to life.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“To work as a business journalist after graduating and to pivot to product management in the long term.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“Vox, because they make cool videos.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“I’ve been enjoying it a lot! I’ve met a lot of awesome friends and faculty.”

Eric Xu

A business major at New York University, Eric worked for a software startup before coming to Medill.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“I wanted to pivot into the media industry and was attracted to the program’s entrepreneurial bent. Moreover, technology is redefining storytelling/content delivery and I felt MICS could teach me the tools necessary to succeed in a dynamic and shifting field.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“I’d like to work in content strategy for a multinational or streaming media corporation. Long term, I want to build a brand of my own.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“I like Hidden Brain by NPR, they pick good guests and interesting topics and I usually learn something every time I listen.”

Jiang Li

Twitter: @JiangLiLily | LinkedIn | WeChat: lijiang1997517

Jiang majored in journalism and minored in information technology at the University of Minnesota, where she was a reporter for the Minnesota Daily.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“I’ve always been interested in finding out the potential intersections of journalism and other subjects, and I am keen on learning how technology frames the media world nowadays. From my past reporting experience, I found traditional media giants have been struggling to come up with innovative ideas and were disrupted newly born companies. This made me realize the importance of being innovative. The MICS specialization satisfied my need to explore throughinterdisciplinary opportunities and pivot my way to media product management.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“To be a product manager or content strategist in an internet media company.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“Spotify — like the moment when I get my personalized package offers.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“It’s been great. Though our cohort has been doing online sessions due to the ongoing pandemic, I’ve had many opportunities to explore what I am keen on.”

Lark Breen


Lark completed three years in Medill’s undergraduate journalism program and is now an accelerated master’s student.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“I chose MICS because it is inspiring to see news and media innovate and diversify when it seems like there can only be so many ways to get people’s attention these days. Its an exciting space to be learning in, and I am excited to bring it to my career after graduating.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“I hope to be a writer and editor before moving into a space that inspires me even more.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“My favorite publication across the board is Wired because it creates content across platforms that is recognizably its own. I love Wired’s daring design and enjoy its coverage.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“As an accelerated masters student, the transition from undergraduate to graduate school at Medill was fairly seamless. I am surprised at the level of support I feel from my professors and classmates, even in the online setting, and am finding the increased hands-on projects really exciting.”

Mengjia Xu


Mengjia majored in journalism and economics at the University of Illinois. She studied abroad in Austria during her senior year.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“The design of the MICS courses fulfills my desire to build media products that enhance new forms of storytelling. I’m pursuing real-world opportunities to intern at media companies and tap into the vast resources in San Francisco. I am enthusiastic about embracing immersive media such as VR production. Through NUvention Web+Media, I work with students from other fields on mock startups, everything from brainstorming a product to eventually launching it.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“Eradicate fake news.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

“The Daily — the broadcast channel published by The New York Times.”

Describe your experience at Medill so far?

“Challenging but promising.”

César Vázquez

Twitter: @CesarVazquezTV

Cesar enrolled at Medill after working for three years as a broadcast news reporter and producer in El Paso, Texas. He has an undergraduate degree in digital communication and multimedia from the University of Texas at El Paso.

Why did you choose the MICS specialization?

“I knew it would challenge me to think and create products differently.”

Future career and/or life goals?

“I want to eventually work for a major sports league and acquire enough experience to where I can become a great teacher.”

What is your favorite digital publication and why?

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz is definitely my favorite because I get the show.”

About the MSJ media innovation specialization

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Richelle "Rich" Gordon
Medill Media Innovation & Content Strategy

Professor, media innovation & content strategy, Medill School, Northwestern U.