MediLOT at Investors Night

MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies
2 min readNov 23, 2018

At the Investors Night Swiss & Singaporean Perspectives on Blockchain Conference held at Raffles Place on 15 November, Dr Ngiam Kee Yuan (Co-Founder, MediLOT) was invited to give a presentation about his experience as a medical doctor in Singapore.

The conference, which was graced by the presence of His Excellency Mr Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland, brought together Swiss and Singaporean blockchain experts to have a focused discussion on blockchain today and their predictions for the future of blockchain.

Dr Ngiam explained that with MediLOT’s blockchain solution, these problems would be a thing of the past. By storing healthcare data on the blockchain, traditional (and inefficient) healthcare data storage systems would be rendered obsolete. Patients would be given complete control over their comprehensive health records and doctors would be able to make better informed decisions when diagnosing patients.

About MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralized healthcare platform built on blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and database management system technologiesfor patients, healthcare providers, researchers and commercial companies. Integrating the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing, MediLOT leverages on technologies with over 5 years of development that have been featured in numerous peer reviewed scientific publications.

To find out more about our core technologies, our technical whitepaper can be found here:

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MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralized health data protocol built on the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing.