VLDB2018: Healthcare Transformation from Data and System Perspectives

MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies
2 min readSep 6, 2018

At the recent VLDB2018 conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Prof Ooi Beng Chin (Co-Founder, MediLOT) was invited to give a keynote speech on the topic of “Healthcare Transformation from Data and System Perspectives”.

Prof Ooi Beng Chin (Co-Founder, MediLOT) giving his keynote speech a VLDB 2018

During the presentation, Prof Ooi introduced the problems and challenges associated with the healthcare data landscape and how new technologies can be utilised to combat these problems.

Challenge 1: Time-consuming Data Extraction
There are different data storage formats present in healthcare institutions and unstructured data.

Challenge 2: Difficult Data Cleaning
There may be missing and duplicated data. Each healthcare institution may also have their own coding standards.

Challenge 3: Doctors-in-the-loop Data Annotation
Doctors that are specialised in a medical field may use certain medical terms that others may not understand.

Challenge 4: Bias in Observation Data
Observation data is biased from the actual conditions of the patients.

Challenge 5: Complexity of Medical Features
In the medical field, there are numerous relevant concepts, heterogeneous data and complex relations.

Challenge 6: Demanding Data Storage Requirements
This is due to the multiple data sources and heterogeneous data in the medical field.

Prof Ooi then explained how GEMINI (GEneralisable Medical Information aNalysis and Integration platform), a Healthcare Data Analytics Stack, was implemented in NUH.

With the readmission and disease progression models available, medical institutions can make use of data to predict the readmission probability and monitor the disease progression of patients.

Here at MediLOT, we integrate AI into our MediLOT Platform through GEMINI, which will serve as a platform for AI-assisted diagnosis based on a patient’s extensive medical data. GEMINI will be able to provide data analysis for each patient. Furthermore, other tools such as smart hospital systems, AI-powered health coaches and precision medicine tools can be further integrated into MediLOT with the assistance of security provided by ForkBase. We believe that the use of AI through GEMINI enables MediLOT to provide a truly personalised healthcare experience for individual patients.

To find out more about GEMINI, ForkBase and the other forms of technology that MediLOT would utilise, more details can be found in our whitepaper here: https://medilot.com/whitepapers/white-paper-en.pdf

About MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralised healthcare platform built on blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and database management system technologies for patients, healthcare providers, researchers and commercial companies. Integrating the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing, MediLOT leverages on technologies with over 5 years of development that have been featured in numerous peer reviewed scientific publications.

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MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralized health data protocol built on the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing.