6 Black Women On Why We Need To Do Better At Protecting Them

Meditating On What Matters
3 min readApr 24, 2021

#MeditatingOnWhatMatters shares resources and inspiration on ways to explore and embrace all the parts of who we are by dissecting the Four Pillars of Perception: Race, Gender, Body, and Sexuality. It is written by Brittany Sharoff.

GaneshSpace is a community organization pursuing equity through actionable mindfulness. Equity means accessibility. Help keep us accessible: Donate here.

It was a week to say the very least. We all held our breath as a collective on Tuesday, awaiting the Judge’s reading of the verdict against Derek Chauvin. In unison, from all different parts of the country and the world, we exhaled as we heard the words “guilty” three times over.

As we took in the verdict, Ma’Khia Bryant was taking her last breath — a stark and unnecessary reminder that the work against white supremacy and anti-Blackness is not done. Like Breonna Taylor, Ma’Khia Bryant’s murderer is not likely to be held accountable.

We are sharing the voices of Black women — who we must listen to and amplify as we push forward towards liberation for all.

We must recognize that there are other ways to deescalate a situation.

And we know that we are unlikely to see the white cop who shot Ma’Khia Bryant held accountable.

We need to do better. The work protecting Black women and girls is often left undone or on the backs of the Black women.

That means the same energy goes into amplifying Black women and Black girls and advocating for policies and accountability that protect them.

What that energy should look like.

Recognize that we have received so much from Black women, and when we lose one, we lose another Black woman’s voice.

Let us reflect on how we are showing up for Black women and girls.

Questions For Reflection:

How am I amplifying Black women’s voices?

In what ways am I showing up for Black women? (ie. donating to organizations, committing to anti-racism)

Am I aware of the historical and current issues that Black women have to face? (ie. medical discrimination, pregnancy deaths, stigmatizations)

At GaneshSpace, we teach you how to take your practice off the mat and cushion and turn it into actionable mindfulness. Our stories seek to make sense of the world around us through the lens of mindfulness. It takes work. Your financial contribution is not just a donation. It supports our community. It supports our practice. And it supports the world around us. Please consider making a contribution to GaneshSpace here.



Meditating On What Matters

GaneshSpace is a community organization dedicated to pursuing equity through the practice of actionable mindfulness.