The Transformative Power of Daily Meditation: Part 1

My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Meditation and Spirituality
4 min readDec 15, 2022
Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

Have you ever considered trying meditation but were hesitant or unsure of where to start? Or perhaps you’ve tried it in the past but didn’t experience the benefits you were hoping for. That’s how I felt until a series of events in my life led me to give meditation a second chance.

Fast forward to today, and meditation has become a crucial part of my daily routine. Over the past year, I’ve experienced a wide range of benefits from incorporating meditation into my life.

In this series of blog posts, I will share some of these benefits with you.

In this first part, I’ll focus on the physical benefits of daily meditation. But stay tuned for future posts where I’ll also explore the emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits of this powerful practice.

Meditation Helped Me Stick to My Exercise Routine

Before I started practising meditation, I didn’t pay much attention to my physical health. My busy schedule, work, and family life always seemed to get in the way of my desire to get active. I would start and stop stretching and exercising in the mornings, but I never stuck with it for long.

However, since I began meditating for a few months, I’ve noticed a significant increase in my willpower. I’m now able to overcome my laziness and resistance to exercise, and I’ve been able to bring consistency to my morning routine. It hasn’t always been easy, and I still struggle with laziness and resistance at times, but my strengthened willpower has helped me push through and convince myself to stick with it. As a result, my mornings are happier and healthier, and I have something to look forward to each day.

Meditation Improved My Diet

Before I started practising meditation, my eating habits were not the best. I used to eat a lot of junk food and takeaways, and I often convinced my wife to indulge in these unhealthy meals with me.

One day, my meditation teacher explained that any food that we eat has three different parts or ‘amshas’. These parts are called the outer parts (Baahamshyam), the middle part (Madhyamshyam), and the minute parts (Sookshmamshyam).

The outer parts of the food are excreted from the body, the middle part is digested and taken into the body to nourish it, and the minute parts become the mind and thoughts. The concept of ‘amshas’ teaches that the food we eat directly connects to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. This understanding helped me become more mindful of the food I eat and its impact on our overall health and well-being.

It was not easy, but I gradually decreased the number of takeaways I ate and instead focused on cooking healthy meals at home. As a result, my eating habits have improved significantly, and I am benefiting financially, physically, and mentally.

Meditation Improved My Sleep

Before I started practising meditation, I often struggled with sleep. I used to drink alcohol in the evenings, which would often lead to disturbed or rough sleep. I would wake up frequently feeling thirsty and uncomfortable. I didn’t enjoy my sleep and felt like I had little control over my habits.

However, since incorporating meditation into my daily routine, my sleep has improved significantly. In addition to my improved stretching and exercise routine and healthier eating habits, meditation has played a key role in improving the quality of my sleep. Studies have shown that meditation can reduce cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, and increase natural melatonin levels for more restful sleep.

Through the power of mindfulness and meditation, I have been able to control my alcohol consumption and have a healthier sleep routine. I now wake up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to start my day.

Meditation Led to Weight Loss

One of the unexpected benefits of daily meditation is that it has helped me lose weight. I wasn’t trying to lose weight when I started meditating, but I gradually noticed that the pounds were dropping off. I attribute this to a combination of my improved exercise routine, healthier eating habits, and the stress-reducing effects of meditation.

Meditation has also helped me develop a better relationship with my body. I used to be very critical of my appearance and would often compare myself to others. But through meditation, I have learned to be more accepting and compassionate towards myself, and I no longer feel the need to compare myself to others. This has helped me focus on my health and well-being rather than trying to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

In conclusion, daily meditation has brought numerous physical benefits into my life, including improved exercise habits, healthier eating habits, better sleep, and a healthy weight. Additionally, my relationship with my body and my overall outlook on life have both improved as a result of practising mindfulness through meditation. In the next part of this blog series, I will delve into the emotional benefits that I have experienced through my meditation practice.

Check out the first article in this publication, “Who Am I?” if you’re curious to understand more about how and why I started my path toward meditation and spirituality.



My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Meditation and Spirituality

I’m Jijo, a start-up founder with a vision of improving the quality of human life. Being a proud father & husband, I’m here to impart My Two Cents to the world.