Why Am I on Medium? My Story of Self-Discovery and Expression

My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Meditation and Spirituality
3 min readApr 17, 2023

My product designer suggested that I start writing a blog on Medium after seeing my LinkedIn post content, and he said, “Your content sounds more like a blog than a post!”

Credit: https://icon-icons.com/icon/medium-logo/189223

I enjoyed the idea of blogging but never tried it. Naturally, I was hesitant to begin and unsure about maintaining it!

The one thing that is changing my writing habit is that blogging helps me relieve the stress, frustration and gratitude in my mind.

I can express myself more through writing, and I feel lighter.

Not everything I write gets published on Medium because I don’t think everything needs publishing! I am not entirely after building followers for the sake of it or generating content for the purpose of writing.

I like to write what is on my mind, and I do not dream of monetising my writing or making it an income channel.

Sure plans may change in the future!

For now, I enjoy writing on Medium for these reasons:

My Space

I now have a place to write whatever comes to mind. Unlike on LinkedIn, I cannot be that expressive because “professional people” may not like it, and LinkedIn police may “arrest” me!

On Medium, I hardly have anyone who knows me personally, and if someone does, it does not matter. It is my space to put down my thoughts, and I am building a space for people to get to know me (if there is a need for it).

Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

I feel freer when I write here, and I know there are millions of insightful people out there with whom I can connect and build relationships.

Providing Value

Content is abundant on the internet. Still, I occasionally receive a clap or comment from others. I feel like I have provided some value to someone, and that makes me happy.

Some people comment on the stories on Medium with the expectation that I would read their blog and do the same, but I do not do that. It is not that I do not want to support others, but I am mostly busy and a struggling parent, so I do not always have time for such drama.

However, I do read some high-quality content and give heartfelt appreciation, and sometimes even share it.

Being Genuine and Less Fake

Since I am putting down my raw thoughts without intending to impress others, I feel like I am being more genuine, which helps with my mental well-being.

Writing down our thoughts and emotions can help, which is what I do on Medium.

The things that would have otherwise stayed in my mind as thoughts are now converted into blog content, helping me and sometimes others reflect and improve.

Feeling Powerful and Content

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Medium is perhaps the only place where I feel no one is judging me!

Maybe it is because there is no one I know personally. But since I do not have any intention to impress and do not have a deep desire for my content to “go viral”, I feel light as a feather.

I can still tell the world what I feel inside on various subjects, yet I can just be myself. I find that to be powerful, content, and happy.

The incidents that happen in my life may not always make me happy, but I try to be genuine with my feelings and emotions that are triggered inside.

Medium is my way of expressing how I feel and feel on various occasions, and when I read it back, I feel so relieved.

I think I am using Medium more like a daily diary!

Daily writing has significantly improved my emotional well-being over the past month.

Realising that not everything I write is meant to be published, I feel like I am using Medium for my comfort more than anything else.



My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Meditation and Spirituality

I’m Jijo, a start-up founder with a vision of improving the quality of human life. Being a proud father & husband, I’m here to impart My Two Cents to the world.