Intro to Mindfulness.

Meditation deconstructed.

Reid J. Robison MD MBA
Meditation Deconstructed.


Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

This little collection of articles (Meditation Deconstructed) is shared journey through mindfulness and meditation to stay sane and well in an uber-fast-paced society. With our current obsession with technology, we’re literally missing the moment. Well, we’re missing lots of them. Meditation is a way to turn down the volume of this noisy world we live in, and find stillness for our frazzled souls and frenetic minds.

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life,” said Socrates.

One thing is for certain: It’s due time for the dawn of the mindful generation. Let’s return to our mindful roots and nip this collective attention deficit in the bud. Our “always on” culture of tech and likes and snaps seems to be draining the joy out of the little triumphs we should be celebrating every day.

Let’s take a step back and redefine success. It’s not about money. Of course. Or things. It may not even be about making a dent in the universe. Maybe, just maybe, success is about being well. And being present. Connected. With kindness. Every damn day ☺

To throw in another Socrates nugget of wisdom: we should be [non-anxiously] engaged in the “practice of dying.” Think about your eulogy — what people will talk about is not what makes you successful by worldly definitions. Arianna Huffington gave her wise take on this at the Wisdom 2.0 conference in 2014: “You’d never hear a eulogy like, ‘Mary made SVP at 35. She never ate lunch away from her desk. She had amazing powerpoint skills.’ What are we giving our eulogizers to work with?”

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ―Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

If we want to transcend the stresses of our action-packed society, we have to learn how to truly live in the moment, live in the breath, and embrace the pleasure of simply being alive.



Reid J. Robison MD MBA
Meditation Deconstructed.

Chief Medical Officer @ Novamind, Psychedelic Psychiatrist @ MAPS, Medical Director @ Center for Change (Eating Disorders), Meditation, Yoga, Art, Mental Health