100 Hours Of Meditation Helps You Cultivate Rare Leadership Skills

There Is A Reason Why Outrageously Successful Business Leaders Swear By Meditation

Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism
3 min readApr 8, 2022


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Being a leader is no joke. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a C-Suite Executive, your job comes with a lot of stress and uncertain situations. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 further showed how unpredictable and challenging situations can get in businesses. During such tough times, the traditional business approaches can’t alone tackle the challenges successfully. In order to face these situations head on, the leaders need to develop skills beyond the conventional education and experiences. Leaders need something more than grit and determination to push through such crisis. They require unprecedented levels of empathy, intuition, clearheadedness to thrive in such situations.

While the list of CEOs who meditate regularly is endless, there are more and more C-Level executives who are finding meditation to be an integral part of their personal development and growth. There is a reason outrageously successful CEOs and celebrities attribute their professional success to their meditation practice.

Let’s delve into the top 3 rare leadership qualities that meditation helps you to develop.

It Reduces Impulsive Reactions

Being a leader requires you to let go of any impulsive behaviour. You need to think properly before reacting. There are a lot of situations when you need to control the urge to give a reaction that would make the situation worse. The people who get promoted more frequently are not just the top performers, they are also less reactive and impulsive. They don’t seem too pushy or eager. They don’t even get offended much. It adds to their charisma. They always think before they speak. Whatever they speak, they make the best out of a situation. This happens because someone who meditates doesn’t get swayed by the ego. If you talk to charismatic leaders, you can see these qualities in action.

It Helps You Become More Empathetic

What is common between Travis Kalanick from Uber and Vishal Garg from Better.com? Both got into trouble for their lack of empathy for their employees. Their fall from grace has been witnessed by the world. Empathy is one ability that lets you sustain success. It is not easy to develop. Meditation helps you connect with people more deeply and develop empathy. Most of the people who are not empathetic don’t feel that require to have some empathy. It is always the people who deal with them, and are affected by them, who can see this.

It Helps You Handle Stress Better

While pretty much everyone claims in job interviews that they work well under pressure and heavy work load, it is only a fraction of people who actually are able to work well under pressure. In fact, it is one of those rare qualities that can help you get ahead in fields like consulting where the work pressure is high and can lead to stress. These people are not bogged down by their workload and hence are able to be more productive.

One thing that is common among people who achieved immense success is that they have been consistent with their personal development, constantly honing skills that make them a better leader. Mediation, so far, has proved to be most effective way to develop such leadership skills.

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Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism

Top Writer in Sustainability and Climate Change| Advanced Meditator| Leads a zero waste lifestyle| Owns Doon Yoga (doonyoga.com)| MBA-IIM Indore