A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

For Those Who Find Meditation Difficult

Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism
3 min readMar 28, 2022


A woman sitting in meditation
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Meditation seems like a daunting tasks to the beginners. In meditation, you try to achieve a state of nothingness- a state with no thoughts. But when you sit down for meditation the very first time, you might get overwhelmed by mere observation of the insane amount of thoughts that come to you. Earlier you didn’t even knew that so many thoughts cross your mind per minute on an autopilot. While meditating, you might also get one more thought on top of them- “how impossible it is to meditate”. Then you might just tell yourself- “Now I am going to focus on my breath.” That again is a thought. I have seen this happen to a lot of students.

When you sit in meditation, instead of actually meditating, sometimes your mind starts thinking about meditation itself. It is quite ironic and it happens with a lot of beginners.

Do you notice, how your brain constantly keeps insane amount of thoughts flowing unless it is trained to slow down?

As an advanced meditation practitioner, I want to tell you that we all have been there. At the beginning, it takes more and more efforts to even keep your focus intact on your breath for even 5 seconds.

My advice is- do not rush and do not give up. The beginners face a lot of challenges in meditation and that is okay. You will get past this. Take baby steps. If you have to, start with 1 minute and keep adding 1 minute everyday. That works.

For those who want to start meditation on their own, follow the steps giving below. It is easy but takes time and practice.

Mental Preparation

Your mental preparation is of utmost importance. Here is what you need to do. You have to let go of 5 things for the duration of the meditation-

  1. I expect nothing from this meditation: Just for a little while, let go of any expectation from meditation. That would otherwise hinder your efforts to meditate.
  2. I expect nothing from myself: You need to let go of any expectation that you have from yourself.
  3. I expect nothing from anyone/anything: Any expectation from something else or some one else- needless to say- let that go for now.
  4. I am nothing: Let go of who you are. During meditation- you are nothing.
  5. I do nothing: For the next 15 minutes, you have to do absolutely nothing.

Physical Preparation

Lay a mat on the ground and sit in a cross legged position or lotus pose. If you are medically advised not to sit cross legged on the floor (in case of injury or pregnancy), feel free to sit on a chair. Place your palms on your lap, one above the another, facing upwards.

Play a soft meditation music of your choice on Youtube. It shouldn’t be too loud or distracting. Choose something soothing and subtle.

Take 3 deep breaths. Now you have to close your eyes and just observe your breath. Your breath may be deeper or shallow- just observe it without trying to change anything. When thoughts come, bring your focus back to your breath again and again. It is frustrating at the beginning to bring your focus back to your breath again and again. With time, there would be lesser thoughts. You would get good at meditation as you practise consistently. All the best.

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Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism

Top Writer in Sustainability and Climate Change| Advanced Meditator| Leads a zero waste lifestyle| Owns Doon Yoga (doonyoga.com)| MBA-IIM Indore