Spontaneous Drives, Inspiration, and Supporting the Creators

Meditation Road
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

A Manifesto

Hannah’s Favorite Road

I have a favorite road.

Maybe you do, too.

Every time I drive by, it calls me.

It climbs a hill to the east and disappears. Every day. Every season.

I don’t drive by this road every day, but I see it almost weekly. Most of the time I don’t heed its call. I ignore it.

But last week, I was heading home with my mom, and she randomly veered off on my road on the way home from visiting the grandparents.

Actual footage from that spontaneous drive

The day was bright. The sun was shining, and the clouds were magical.

As soon as we took off down my road, I knew I’d want to capture the trip on camera, so I started hanging out the window with my phone. (Doesn’t everyone do that these days?)

We saw wild quail and turkeys. We saw some dogs; and a few neighbors mowing. We saw grass, and mostly fields of corn, blowing in the breeze.

The ruts were clear, there were no tire marks. We were the only people who had witnessed this beauty in weeks.

I wanted to share this with everyone!

I wanted to give them the opportunity to feel free as I did on this amazing creative, spontaneous exploration.

But then I realized something:

Although everyone has access to these moments and places, they may not have the time, nor the mental capacity to search out the beauty that exists around them.

They may not have the ability to translate the sunshine and the air and the smell of the soil and the colors of the day into inspiration for themselves and for others.

I wanted to share that feeling of freedom and openness with the people who couldn’t be there with me.

So, I created this publication. See the full videos on the Meditation Road YouTube Channel.

The Manifesto

The world is filled with beauty, no matter where you look. The art is in seeing and communicating the beauty to others.

Creating is not easy work. Discouragement and frustration are our constant companions, but despite the war of distraction, we will prevail.

Artists, writers, poets, musicians, and creators of all types bring important and valuable insight and perspective into the world.

Other people have better lives because of you.

Now, go make your work.



Meditation Road

Painter | Philosopher | PhD Student | Higher Ed Executive | Mom of 3 | Addicted to coffee and cats |All photos are mine