Meditation #25: Learning

The Wisdom of Seneca

John Haslam
Meditation Rx
1 min readDec 7, 2022


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

As long as you live, keep learning how to live.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Breathe in and reflect today on what you would like to learn to continue to advance on your spiritual journey. What subjects are you curious about? What questions do you have about your own life? What knowledge do you seek to learn about the world around you or the people in your life? Do you consistently seek the answers? What answers have you already found? Being curious and acknowledging that we know very little of what is knowable is the path to enlightenment.

Exhale and commit to making learning something today and every day a priority. Focus on those questions about yourself that you are curious about. What makes you truly happy? What brings you fulfillment? What brings you peace and tranquility? What causes you discomfort? What causes you anger? Stay mindful and feed your innate desire to seek knowledge. From knowledge comes spiritual growth.

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John Haslam
Meditation Rx

Top Writer in Poetry & Editor of Modern Leadership. I enjoy exchanging ideas and wisdom using the written word and real human connection