Meditation #38: Attachment

The Wisdom of the Dalai Llama

John Haslam
Meditation Rx
1 min readDec 14, 2022


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles stem from attachment to things that we mistakenly see as permanent.

  • Dalai Lama

Breathe in and reflect on those things which you are attached to that no longer serve you on your path of spiritual growth. Are there objects or habits that do not support your goals or that cause anxiety for fear of losing them? Perhaps you are attached to outcomes you hope for or beliefs that too rigidly define your perspectives. Let go of all attachments that constrain and cause you stress and anxiety. If you do this then peace and serenity will follow.

Exhale and think about ways you can surrender to the will of the universe and let things happen as they are meant to. Allow the flow of the day to occur naturally. There is no need to control anything. The universe in its infinite wisdom will find its own way. Your goal is simply to find your balance within it. Do this and it will lead you to greater happiness and inner peace.

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John Haslam
Meditation Rx

Top Writer in Poetry & Editor of Modern Leadership. I enjoy exchanging ideas and wisdom using the written word and real human connection