Mindfulness in August

C Ledger
Mindful stuff.
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2 min readAug 1, 2015


Once a month we send out a letter to followers of this publication. It highlights interesting things related to mindfulness and meditation.

First, if you are looking for forums to discuss mindfulness and meditation, check out Everyday Mindfulness. There are a lot of insightful people contributing, and you can join in with questions and comments.

Next, we have a feature on our site called daily musings —short posts, sometimes funny, always insightful. I’ve republished a few of the most popular here on Medium, and I encourage you to visit and check out more.

These are the Top 9 from the past few months, and you can view a complete index here: words.

How to change your relationship with your mind.

We developed this course over 12 years ago, and it has evolved to include new information based on our research and feedback from students. We continually revise it, but once a year we do a “major” update.

We just finished this year’s update — if you are a course participant, now is a good time to revisit the information.

If you are not a course participant, read the “Course Introduction” to see if it’s right for you.

Over the past decade we’ve worked hard to create the best resource available for understanding your compulsive mind, developing a consistent meditation practice, and bringing mindfulness to your daily life.

As always, thanks for following and have a great month! Look for some new articles in this publication over the next few weeks.


