On Being Remembered

Sam M
Meditations on Stoicism
Dec 28, 2022

Today’s Daily Stoic Meditation outlines that reminders are pivotal.

Remind yourself of death, and of the little time you have left.

Further, do something that leaves a reminder.

“Everything lasts for a day, the one who remembers and the remembered.”

Remind Yourself Of Death

Remind yourself of death.

Remember that you do not have forever.

Memento Mori

Memento mori; the ancient practice of meditating on your death.

This is a practice that encourages you to think of your death — not constantly or obsessively, but enough to put things into perspective.

It encourages you to think about your death, as hopes that you will seize the current moment and make the most of it.

Do Something

Do something that helps people remember you.

Make a big change.

Do something grand.

Be memorable.



Sam M
Meditations on Stoicism

happiness in all areas of life. student 👨🏻‍🎓