What is the meaning of Ying and Yang?

Riya Tyagi
Meditative Mind
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2022

The small black and white half circles that swirl into each other, with a dot of the opposing color on either side, are a sign that everyone recognizes. Its most fundamental message is obvious just by looking at it: preserve balance. However, the meaning of Yin and Yang is far more complex.

While you might have seen the symbol of yin and yang a lot, the concept and the philosophy behind the symbol are deeper. The true meaning of this well-known symbol comes from ancient China.

The concept, which is at least 3,500 years old and is discussed in the ninth-century BCE classic known as the I Ching, or Book of Changes, influences Taoism and Confucianism and is at least 3,500 years old. The yin-yang sign is linked to an old way of tracking the sun, moon, and stars throughout the year.

In general, yin is a feminine, motionless, dark, and negative force that emanates from inside. Yang, on the other hand, is associated with male energy, heat, brightness, and positivity.

Deeper Meaning

In an essence, the ancient yin-yang concept states that there is duality in all parts of the physical universe. As a result, we are always surrounded by a part of the nonphysical world — that which we cannot see but can feel and experience.

Though symbols indicating yin-yang were prevalent throughout the Neolithic period, it is hard to identify the real origin of yin-yang (3400 B.C.).

What does Yin symbolize?

The yin side of the yin-yang symbol indicates Earth energy: It is receptive, cool, and dark, and is associated with the moon, seas, and shadow. It has feminine energy linked with it.
Women are connected with yin because, like the moon cycle, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The “essence,” or substance, that causes the menses is known in Chinese as Tian Gui or heavenly water, and it marks the transition from a girl to a woman capable of bearing children. It has the capacity for life when paired with yang.

Yin and Yang- The Spiritual Balance

What does Yang symbolize?
In yin-yang, the sun represents the yang aspect: It is light, expansive, and often reckless. It represents masculine energy.

The Themes of Yin and Yang

Yin themes

  • Contemplation
  • Contraction
  • Softness
  • Stillness
  • Quiet

Yang Themes

  • Action
  • Expansion
  • Growth
  • Heat
  • Movement

The influence of the Yin and Yang

Despite the fact that Taoism is more of a philosophy than a religion, it teaches that there is a greater force in the cosmos known as “the Way.” However, rather than being all good or all negative, it is a mix of the two, similar to Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang, like the Taoist idea of Wu Wei, is about accepting life’s contrasts and learning to recognize the good, as well as the bad, in everything.

