Here’s How I Became a Travel Writer — FAST

McKenzie Lynn Tozan
Mediterranean and Me
6 min readAug 1, 2022


Happy Monday, all! It’s August 1st, so you know what that means — it’s time to get started with my “Not Your Typical Digital Nomad” series, as a part of the 2022 BYOB (Blog Your Own Book) Challenge.

(ICYMI, you can read the series announcement post here.)

Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

I’m saying hi from my desk today, which is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling bookshelves (that are bursting with books, of course), my bedroom setup, and an open window. The weather is beautiful today, a cooler summer day, and I’m totally taking advantage of it by opening all the windows in the house and letting the cross-ventilation do its thing.

Fun Fact: An old wives tale that I witness everywhere I go in Croatia is that cross-ventilation will kill you. If you open a window or door on one side of the house, you cannot open one across from it, or you will die. The same goes for going outside with wet hair, walking around barefoot, or sitting directly on the ground without at least a towel under you. Death, death, death, death. But I’m going to take my chances and enjoy the breeze!

Living in a warmer climate has definitely been one of the joys of moving across the world for me. Sometimes you’ll read articles from me that were written at a coffee shop, on a park bench overlooking the sea, or at an outdoor cafe that’s two steps from the beachfront…



McKenzie Lynn Tozan
Mediterranean and Me

A Dino Poet, Novelist, Book Reviewer, Double EIC, & Midwestern Girl in Croatia. THE DUPLEX out now!