It Felt Like a Gulaš Kind of Day.

McKenzie Lynn Tozan
Mediterranean and Me
5 min readMay 20, 2021


It was a rainy day, chilly and overcast, with fog rolled out over the Adriatic for most of the afternoon. As a Midwestern woman, it reminded me of a later fall day, when the weather is trying to decide whether to warm up again or finally commit to the cold.

What better to make than a warm, cozy dinner?

The house was warm and smelled like comfy, Bosnian/Croatian stew all afternoon as the meat tenderized, the broth developed, and the vegetables settled.

This is one of my favorite dishes — not just Slavic, but of any origin — and when it’s paired with mashed potatoes and a salad, it’s honestly perfect.

Gulaš is not all that different from what someone might think of when they expect a Country or American Goulash, complete with meat, a variety of root vegetables, and a hearty broth. But the flavor profile of this Croatian/Bosnian dish is vitally different and is generally served differently.

Now! The big moment: the recipe.

Croatian Gulaš (which I serve with Mashed Potatoes and Salad)

  • 1.5 to 2 lbs of meat (beef, pork, or preferably both), cut into cubes
  • 2 TBS olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 small to medium onions (white preferably, but red…



McKenzie Lynn Tozan
Mediterranean and Me

A Dino Poet, Novelist, Book Reviewer, Double EIC, & Midwestern Girl in Croatia. THE DUPLEX out now!