Walking for Rachel

You do what you can for those you love

William Wragg
2 min readDec 6, 2013

Mike looked around, nobody there, he’d been doing this for the last week. He’d get a feeling that he was being watched, but when he turned around, there was nothing there. No disturbance, nothing.

He’d been walking now for over a month, and felt tired. He’d thought about quitting a lot these last few days, but knew that he couldn’t, Rachel was relying on him, and he couldn’t let her down. He’d got this far, he might as well go the rest of the way. By his calculations he had about another weeks walking before he reached his destination. He’d rest then. He got up and started to walk down the bank to the river. There it was again, that feeling, he decided not to look this time but carry on walking. He got to the river bank and stooped to drink, and that’s when he heard it, Rachel’s laugh, quiet, gentle. He spun around, and there she was running into the woods, at the top of the bank he’d just walked down. He reeled at the sight.

The memories of one month ago flooded his thoughts, Rachel lying in his arms, pale with pain, but smiling none the less. She had such strength, he was humbled by the smile, and then she asked him.

