Medium 1.18.1543

The one where we wrote a eulogy.

Today we gather to mark the passing of Medium Release 1.17.

1.17 wasn’t one for too much fuss or ceremony, so I won’t go on for too long. Born amidst the glass and concrete skyscrapers of San Francisco on July 10th, it was nurtured into being by an attentive, loving team of iOS developers.

We are not going to mourn this release, but rather celebrate the brief time we had together. It was a robust, active, intricate release. It gave us the tactile affirmation of sentence highlighting, it opened up a whole new world of discovery with preloaded tags, and it served the greater good by fixing the iPad bug.

It was then, and will always be, a solid, reliable all-round good release, someone you felt at ease with, someone that you instinctively knew you could trust and rely on. But ultimately, it was a release not long for this world.

Emerging from all the pain and sorrow that we feel, there is undeniably something to celebrate. With every passing there is renewal, every release has a new branch. We look to the future with the birth of Medium 1.18. A release that brings new promise and a new mission to restore stability in a chaotic world. And bug fixes.

