Medium 2.10.3222

The one where we wrote an open letter.

An Open Letter To The Medium Home Screen:

Dear Home Screen,

How are you feeling lately? Is everything okay? How are you handling all the “Open Letters” lately that are passing through you? Do you read them all or just kind of skim over looking for the good stuff? I know how hard you work, and I know the volume can be overwhelming. So I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is Collections, and I’m here to help showcase the best stories on Medium.

A few things about me:

  • People can find me at the top of the home tab.
  • People can swipe me to navigate through different topics.
  • There’s an entire team of humans scouring Medium to fill me with timely stories, the most interesting ideas, captivating writers, and compelling publications.

I’m like you Home Screen. I just want people to find the best things to read when they open the app. Like, every single time.

So let’s do it. We post-Millennials need to stick together.

Your new best friend,


