Medium 2.3.2748

Medium Release Notes
1 min readDec 7, 2015

The one where we told a “guy walks into a bar” joke.

A group of Medium features walk into the New Style Bar. The bartender asks “What’ll you have?”

“two beers, two vodka sodas, one white wine, and a cranberry juice,” says Italic.

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” says the bartender. “I have a hard time with lists.”

“Oh don’t worry. Lists is having the juice, so there won’t be any trouble.”

“Look wise guy,” said the Bartender. “I have one rule in this bar. No unpredictable behavior.”

“No no, Horizontal Rule is completely predictable. One vodka and he’ll be laid out on the floor.”

“Ugh,” says the bartender. “Everyone talks about what a great set of features you are. It’s your bad attitude that no one mentions.”

“Yeah, Mentions is a mean drunk. I’d keep an eye on him”

“That’s a bold statement,” warns the bartender.

“I told you, I’m Italic. Bold is having the wine.”

“Fine. Look, you can have one drink. I don’t want any trouble” said the bartender.

“Hey, with this crowd, any more than one drink and we’ll all wind up Embeds.”

