Medium 2.8.3078

NICK πŸ…΅πŸ…ΈπŸ†‚πŸ…·ER
Medium Release Notes
1 min readMar 22, 2016

The one where we named insects.

Today, a giddy expedition of iOS entomologists announced the discovery of what they believe to be three previously unknown species of insect, and have published their findings in the Royal Github Repository of Issues:

Avatarus Blankulum (Ghostface notifier)
Habitat: Activity screen
Field notes: This diplopod hides in the rolled up notifications, replacing the placeholder avatar with a blank circle. Travels in swarms.

Transcodus Mironum (Disappearing gif-roach)
Habitat: Post screen
Field notes: This persistent pest burrows deep into Miro, sporadically emerging to pull down gifs and replace them with a gray square. Nocturnal.

Emojius Tooclosus (Padfly)
Habitat: The author name field
Field Notes: Using emoji as bait it attracts its primary food source: the publish date into a padding trap resulting in a hard to read jumble at the top of the post.

