Medium 3.33

The one where we testified before Congress.

Ahmet Özkale
Medium Release Notes
2 min readApr 13, 2018


REPRESENTATIVE: I have here in my hand an email from one of my constituents who writes, “When bookmarking or unbookmarking a post as a non-member, the bookmarks incorrectly refresh.” This is a big problem. What have you done to address this?

MEDIUM: Congressman, as soon as we became aware of this problem, we immediately built a fix for that bug.

REPRESENTATIVE: Ok, I should hope so. And I have a “Twitter” from Frank, another constituent of mine. “It seems that ignored post IDs aren’t being passed down in GET requests.” Is this true?

MEDIUM: Congressman, again when we became aware of this issue, we immediately patched it.

REPRESENTATIVE: I see, and finally, in the short time I have to speak with you, I just published my latest story “I Quit My Startup Job to Run For Congress.” Why haven’t you clapped for it?

MEDIUM: Congressman, I am unaware of that particular story, but I will have my team look into it and follow up with you directly.

REPRESENTATIVE: Thank you, I hope you do.

- Fixed issue where non-member bookmarks would refresh every time a post was bookmarked/unbookmarked
- Fixed issue where ignored post ids weren’t passed down in GET requests. Stories are now no longer duplicated on publication profiles.

