The Family Dinner

The Medium Writing Prompt
2 min readDec 18, 2014

The holidays are fast approaching (if not already here), and that means togetherness. Either welcomed or not, there always arrives that zenith of the season: The Family Dinner.
The moment when everyone converges around some central location, be it dining room set, picnic table, or beach blanket, and relates.

And from that fertile ground of familial contact often arises a great story. Sometimes beautiful and bonding. Sometimes awkward and avoidable. Sometimes hilarious and heartwarming.

Whatever the case, tell us the story of your family dinner.

It doesn’t have to be a holiday story. Maybe it’s your birthday, graduation, or just a regular Wednesday.

It doesn’t have to be your blood relations, because family is a relative concept.

(and to be honest, I don’t even care if it’s true)

It just has to be your story.

Hit the button that says “Write a response” at the bottom of this page, and take us to dinner.

The response with the most recommends at 11:59 p.m. PST on Monday, December 29th will win some Medium swag and a tweet from the @Medium Twitter account to our scores of ravenous readers.

NOTE: We have changed the way responses are shown. For yours to be visible, the Writing Prompt account needs to recommend it. If you find that I haven’t recommended it, send me an email to and I will.

Be sure to share your story on all your various social medias, emails, via skywriter or sandwich board, and so on.

(And remember it is always great to leave another author notes. You don’t have to write alone!)

