How to build a life raft out of thin air while treading troubled waters

Scapegoats, solutions and the work of Edgar Cayce

Mediums on Medium
Published in
8 min readSep 16, 2013


Hi my name is Patrick John Coleman! Follow and Friend onYouTube, Google Plus, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, The Empath Community, HIGH EXISTENCE,GoodReads, Wikipedia and you can get copies of any of my books directly, iBookstore, Amazon,Barnes & Noble or ask your local bookseller to order or stock. And if you have a specific question about spirituality, shamanism or anything just give me a ring at 773–7899-ASK or shoot me an e-mail at concrete7 @ Now! Back to the article….

I was raised on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky and against all odds and in spite of circumstances I am now a practicing psychic medium in Chicago. How did a Kentucky farm boy come to know so much about life even way before the Internet? Is it a coincidence that Edgar Cayce is also from Hopkinsville? I don’t know. I wanted to have a normal life and have a regular job with a boyfriend and 2.5 cats.

So how did it come to this?

Over the past few years I’ve been recovering from a disaster that devastated me financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This disaster involved a flood and a creeping nest of lies. It was one part act of God, one part self-created and the other due to the actions and inaction of other people.

Recovering from this disaster has been even more difficult due to the fact that I was a scapegoated child. Kids like me aren't supposed to recover from anything. In fact most scapegoated kids die. We aren't given the tools to defend, protect or care for ourselves. These are facts. Death for these kids is inevitable. Death for me was inevitable.

It may be easy for you to walk away from your family or a dysfunctional situation. Not so for the scapegoated child:

“Even if the scapegoat eventually leaves the family, they are usually still considered the cause of all the family’s difficulties, no matter how much time has passed, because the family’s need to place blame and project shame onto another person still exists.” — Outcasts, Scapegoats, and Black Sheep of the Dysfunctional Family

I am as far away as I can be, yet their influence is still in my daily life. Because they tell others that I am to blame for their problems. I have a large family where rumors spread like wildfire and in the center of this burning nest of other people’s problems is a funeral pyre in the shape of me.

Imagine waking up every day and knowing that people you love are invested in your failure. Because in your failure their problems will survive. If they can’t see their problems, they don’t exist. But when I got well a few years ago, I was shown that everyone in my life was sick to the point that they made me sick. And as I got well, they became even more insistent that I was the sick one.

“Did I say something true? Oops I didn’t know I couldn’t speak my mind.”

I don’t blame anyone because they are unaware they are doing this. They don’t want to be aware. I understand that. But my body is not getting burned in the fires that will cleanse them of their problems. Like Madonna said in her song “Human Nature”, “I’m not your bitch don’t hang your shit on me.”

“Dysfunctional families are steeped in shame, and cannot look at their issues. They have poor insight into their own behaviors and problems, and will do anything to appear normal or exceptional, despite the fact that in reality, they are terribly crippled by their fears, addictions, mental disorders, abuse, neglect and insecurities.” — Outcasts, Scapegoats, and Black Sheep of the Dysfunctional Family

Realizing the problem is the first the part. The solutions are usually simple. But if your solutions require the input of others it can be quite maddening. I have way more solutions than I have problems. I want to help people who aren't aware that they need help.

My 35 years in therapy in a nutshell.

I am absolutely certain that being a scapegoated child while also being raised near the place where Edgar Cayce was raised and perhaps playing with the same “imaginary playmates” that he played with helped to make me into what I am today. Whatever it is I am. Am I psychic? A medium? I don’t know. Telling me to shut up or marginalizing what I have to say isn’t shutting me up. It’s making me more determined.

Whatever happened to me helped pull me out of the wreckage. It gave me the tools to survive. I am called to help people. I can help others, too. I know how to help myself, now.

Like some other children, Edgar also claimed to see people who were not visible to adults. Psychologists often explain this as an ‘imaginary playmate’, but Edgar claimed one of these people was his dead grandfather. Another unusual ability appeared when Edgar was accidentally hit on the head by a baseball. Just before becoming unconscious he described a poultice that should be put on his head. The poultice was made and applied, and helped Edgar’s healing. — Edgar Cayce and the Cosmic Mind

What I learned during the past few years is very helpful to many people. What would you do if you lost everything you owned? What if you had to be homeless? What if you knew the truth and everyone called you a liar? What if you were in an accident and couldn't work anymore and needed to learn a new way of life? What if you got diagnosed with a deadly disease that had no cure?

Would you know what to do?

I do.

A card reading I gave to a nurse in my doctor’s office. I casually told her I was a psychic and soon we were talking about how to heal people.

During this morning’s Q and A session with the Universe, it’s revealed to me that this week is “breakout” week. I received my agenda for the day from the Divination Deck I made from children’s flash cards. Call it Tarot 3.0 if you want. For me, I call it the “Concrete Method” and it helps people daily. Including me.

How are things revealed to me?

Have you ever had an idea or thought come to you out of the blue? Or when a solution to a problem just “comes to” you. A “Eureka” moment. It’s how it works for me except I ask a question and I get an answer like a light bulb above my head. If I need more information, it usually comes within seconds. People come to me with problems and I give them solutions. Whether they choose to accept that solution is not up to me, it’s up to them.

I don’t have any problems except one. And it’s a big one. It is going to require a team of people because I can’t do it myself. No one could. So I ask for a solution to this problem and I get an answer. The cool thing about this is that the solution get easier and easier every time I get failed and bailed on. It’s miraculous.

How does this even work?

And the more people bail, the more other energies come to my aid. I am like a magnet right now. Pushing away all the negative things that don’t work anymore for who I am, now. While at the same time drawing those people to me who seek answers. It’s a chaotic flux that can like spinning around in circles on a Ferris Wheel. It can be wonderful.

But it’s also quite maddening. To see simple solutions to problems is a gift to be sure. Over the years I’ve helped businesses, people and organizations with answers to their problems. Sometimes they take the advice and other times they don’t.

There’s another part to this. Sometimes I am shown that people don’t want the solutions. It is quite depressing and horrid. I know without a doubt that people cling to their pain and their problems for it defines them. I lead a stress-free life with few problems. This offends people who are drowning in bills and responsibilities.

One of the questions I am asked of people is “How did you know that?” and I am just as surprised and thrilled as they are. Is what I do telepathy? Or talking to ghosts? Or something else entirely…guess we’ll never know.

Or will we?

Tree pruning 101

If you prune a tree it grows bigger and stronger. The last name “Durchholz” is German for “through the wood” and for whatever reason this body was transferred from Louisville to Hopkinsville to raised by this family to be pruned and covered in fertilizer. What a wonderful thing. I was born Patrick John Coleman. My birthmother told me what would have happened to me if she had kept me and it was recently revealed that she would have moved to Chicago and raised me in poverty. For some reason I am in Chicago, now. How I got here is even more miraculous. If this sounds like a superhero origin story, just wait. It’s gets cooler.

The Invisible Man— I have no hobbies, likes or dislikes. This is what I am now.

I will keep writing and I will keep sharing the powerful lessons I've learned. And while my family is intent on keeping me silent and powerless due to their own generational shames and mental disorders, I am quite capable of building a life raft out of thin air while treading water and teaching others how to swim with sharks and not get eaten alive.They go for the weak ones first, let me teach you how to be strong.

If Edgar knew to apply a healing poultice to his head, then I know what will help and heal me. And in my healing comes knowledge that can help others.


Patrick Coleman with Eric Durchholz

I may lean but I am tall

ALL THINGS GO: How I Became A Shaman

In April of 2013, Author Eric Durchholz had a near-death experience followed by a soul transfer. As a result, he died and was replaced by a new consciousness named Patrick John Coleman. A new soul in a full-grown body… much to the confusion of his friends and family. As the new age concept of a walk-in soul is relatively unknown to the mainstream, a growing army of walkins are coming to this planet in a “Divine Invasion” to set this polluted and hateful world back on a course towards peace. As Coleman struggled to find out where he came from and what happened to Eric, he turned to the great psychic researchers Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts and Esther Hicks for answers. In doing so he found he had uncanny connections to them while also uncovering a plot by his family to keep him silent. The book also includes several hours of specially produced video footage including reenactments of key events linked via QR Codes so keep your smartphone handy and get ready for a mindbending, soul-expanding thrill ride. To Purchase, click here



Mediums on Medium

Spiritual Recovery Coach. Shamanic Practitioner. Sobriety First.