CBD Oil Dosage Calculator

Published in
7 min readMar 13, 2022

Whether you are trying to get more sleep, pain relief, or anxiety relief, CBD oil can help you. The only question is, how much CBD oil should I take? The right dose of CBD is different for everyone depending on their weight and the strength of the oil they’re using.

We all are looking for the perfect solution to our health issues. Whenever you start taking some supplemental drugs, what matters the most is the optimal dosage. The dosage alone has the potential to make or break the whole game. The same is the case with your CBD oil.

Many people get confused when calculating the correct CBD dosage, but getting confused is not an option for us. With our CBD dosage calculator, you enter your body weight and the potency (in mg) of your tincture, and it does the math for you so that you don’t have to worry about figuring out what dose is right for you!

CBD oil dosage calculator by MEDOSI
Click here to try CBD Oil Dosage Calculator by MEDOSI

You can use MEDOSI’s CBD Oil Dosage Calculator to figure out your daily dose of CBD

CBD Oil Dosing: Steps To Follow To Figure Out Your Dose

The simplest approach to figuring out your optimal CBD oil dose is to use the CBD Oil Dosage Calculator from MEDOSI’s website to determine your “mild strength” dose for your weight. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it each day until you experience relief from symptoms or receive negative effects. In case, you experience any adverse reactions, reduce the next dose to the previous amount that did not cause any negative effects. If you’ve never used CBD oil before, don’t start with a high dosage.

Want to be more precise with your CBD oil dosages,? Follow these step by step guidelines:

1st Step: Determine Your Optimal CBD Oil Dose

The first step is to figure out the optimum starting dose of CBD oil. We will determine this based on your body weight.

The typical dosage is 1–6 mg CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. For example, a good place to start would be 15 mg CBD per day, assuming you weigh about 150 pounds. The chart above can be used as a reference for how much to start with.

Finding it difficult to do yourself? Take help from the MEDOSI CBD oil Dosage Calculator.

Do not start with the higher potency CBD dosage recommendation. Start low and increase the amount as needed depending on how you feel.

How MEDOSI’s CBD Dosage Calculator Work

The CBD oil dosage calculator on MEDOSI’s site can help you determine what dose is appropriate for you. This calculation is based on your body weight and desired strength, which are essential elements to consider when choosing a proper dosage. It is important to note that these recommended doses are mere approximations.

[Your Body Weight (lbs) X Desired Strength 1–6 (mg)] ÷ 10 (lbs) = Your Daily Dose of CBD in mg.
[Your Body Weight (kg) X Desired Strength 1–6 (mg)] ÷ 4.54 (kg) = Your Daily Dose of CBD in mg.

How much CBD oil does contain this much CBD? The next step is to calculate how much CBD oil you will need to get your daily dose of CBD.

2nd Step: Calculate The Strength Of Your CBD Oil

The amount of oil you’ll need to reach the optimum dosage is determined in part by its strength.
For example, a high-strength CBD oil with 1500 mg of CBD per ounce will take 3 times less oil to administer the same amount of CBD as a low-potency oil with just 500 mg per ounce.
Some manufacturers do print this information on the label of the tincture bottle or you may find the CBD concentration per 1 ml serving size on the products description page of their website. However, if not readily available on the product label, we can easily calculate the CBD potency of your CBD tincture drops.

We Just Need 2 Pieces Of Information:

  • The size of your CBD tincture bottle (typically ranges from 15ml to 60ml)
  • The total amount of CBD mentioned in the bottle’s label (500mg/1000mg/3500mg/so on)

[Total amount of CBD in mg] ÷ [Net Content of the Bottle in ml] = Amount of CBD per 1ml serving size.

MEDOSI offers 3 different CBD oil tincture drops with CBD potency of 500mg, 1000mg, and 3500mg. All of them come in a 30ml size bottle. So we can easily calculate CBD concentration per ml serving size simply by dividing the net amount of CBD in the bottle with bottle size.

Experts generally consider a CBD oil tincture as a low potency one if it delivers 15 mg CBD or less per 1 ml serving. While a product with a CBD concentration of 15–49 mg/mL is categorized as regular potency. If CBD potency is 50 mg/mL or more we can filter the CBD tincture as a high-potency one. To achieve the same dosage level, you’ll need to consume more low-potency CBD oil tincture drops than the high ones.

3rd Step: Convert Your Daily Dose Of CBD To Number Of Drops

Although optional, we can simply convert your CBD dosage (in mg) to (no. of tincture drops) if doing so makes more sense. Drop counts you need to administer the dose depend on the potency of your CBD oil.
Drop count dosage will come in handy while using high-strength CBD oils. Even small variations in dosage can make a significant difference in the application of pets and children. CBD dosage in a number of drops can give you a precise idea about how much CBD you are administering.

Dropper size varies from brand to brand. You have to figure out the number of drops your dropper dispenses per milliliter. Droppers from major CBD oil tincture brands typically dispense between 20–40 drops for every 1 mL of oil — so we can find the dose (mg) per drop simply by dividing the CBD oil potency (mg/ml) by the total number of drops in 1 ml.

How To Calculate?

[Your CBD oil’s Potency (mg/ml)] ÷ [No. of drops dispensed by 1ml oil] = CBD (mg/drop)
Say your CBD oil tincture comes with a bottle size of 30ml with total CBD concentration of 1000mg. So from the above reference table we know this CBD oil deliver 33mg of CBD per 1 ml servings. Now, you figured out 30 drop counts when you dispensed 1ml oil using the dropper it came with. We can use these information to calculate CBD potency in 1 drop count.
[33 mg/ml] ÷ [30] = 1.1 mg CBD per Drop
Divide this number with your daily recommended dose of CBD (use CBD dosage calculator or weight/desired-strength table-chart to calculate)
and you will find your dose in number of drops.
[Daily Dose of CBD in mg] ÷ [ CBD Potency (mg/drop)] = Number of drops required to fulfill your dose
Assume your weight is 200 lbs and you want to get moderate CBD effects. Using the CBD Oil Dosage Calculator or the Weight vs Desired Strength chart above, you figured out your daily recommended dose of CBD is 60mg.
So you need to start with
[60mg] ÷ [ 1.1 (mg/drop)] = 54.54 ≈ 55 drops of CBD oil every day.

Finding Your Optimal Dose Is Crucially Important

New users frequently don’t take the time to figure out their ideal CBD dosage and instead declare that CBD oil isn’t effective.

The most common mistake made by inexperienced CBD oil users is to take either a low or excessive dose. However, you can figure out your optimal dose of CBD oil with the help of the MEDOSI CBD oil dosage calculator.
Like many other cannabinoids, CBD has an unusual link between dosage and desired response.

Administering a higher amount of any substances will typically result in more intense therapeutic effects as well as a higher risk of adverse effects. But for Cannabidiol (CBD), the pattern of beneficial response, when compared with a higher dosage, doesn’t follow the rule.

The graph above showcases CBD dosage levels vs. expected benefits. From the bell-curve pattern of the graph, you can easily realize you may get little to no benefits with a too high or too low dose. And the only way you can secure those sweet spots of benefits is by figuring out your optimal dose of CBD oil.

N.B.: The statements we made in the above content are not evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These CBD dosage estimates are extrapolations drawn from our community survey and should not be regarded as medical advice. All the information we publish on our website is for informational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider, or other licensed professional. This may not seem like it is, but this “official” statement is subjective to our agreement. Any information you consume from our website should be regarded as a third-party view. As a result, any reliance on such information is entirely your responsibility. Before continuing or changing your CBD regimen, please consult with your doctor. medosi.com (MEDOSI Health, LLC) holds no responsibility for improper use of its CBD and/or THC products. When developing a treatment plan for any or all diseases or disorders, we recommend consulting with a medical expert. Under no circumstances will medosi.com (MEDOSI Health, LLC) be held liable for any inappropriate use of CBD and/or THC products by you or others. For any illness or health condition, we recommend consulting a medical expert. You should be 18 years or older to use CBD products or make use of the MEDOSI CBD dosage calculator.

