5 Tips to Increase Concentration Power and Memory

Ways to Increase Mental Focus

Bharath Kumar
3 min readSep 10, 2023


In this world, memory and concentration play an important role in daily life because in daily life, keeping the information about what we did on that day and making the brain sharp by concentrating on goals or hearing.

Here, I get you some tips that will help you to increase concentration power, and memory.

Recollecting Memories

to increase concentration power and memory
Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

This tip will help you to increase your memory power within a week if you practice daily. Here recollecting memories refers to, we do some work or something in our daily life. So, before going to bed, you need to recollect the memory that what you did from morning to time.

In other words, we can say it, output increases your memory. Whenever you collect your output, what you did in the past leads to an increase in the memory to store in your brain.

For a few days, it will be tough, but when you practice this technique. By doing this technique, your memory power will slightly increase.

Learning New

for concentration and memory
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

If you are learning something new beyond that, you do not know the specific domain, and your brain doesn't fit into by physically. Instead, your brain will be distracted to change you to do entertainment stuff such as watching YouTube videos and Playing Games.

Once you start learning new kinds of stuff, your brain doesn't concentrate on it. So, once you start, it will lead you to focus on the information.

For Example

Posting regular stories on the Medium platform leads you to keep growing your audience and engagement. I am a newcomer to the medium platform as a writer, So I need to do it with full concentration and consistency. Then only I can grow!

Take a summary

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Before learning something new and storing it in your brain, you need to go through the summary of the topic where you will learn about.

The summary and overview will help the person stay interested in learning more and stay engaged while reading the deeper topics inside the main topic.

So, knowing the summary and overview of the topic will help you to engage with the topic. And leads to an increase in your concentration while reading the topics.

Create Simple Notes

to increase concentration power and memory
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Once you read the topic, you need to take simple notes instead of storing the technical words in your brain. The person needs to take notes in a simple manner, like the content needs to be understandable even for the kids.

Once you take notes in a simple manner, your brain thinks that the topic is simple so, we do not need to fear to retrieve the topics in our brain. This helps the person need to store the information and retrieve it easily without any complexity.

Learn Similar Topics

for concentration and memory
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

If you learn a topic, then research what similar topics are available on that specific topic. Read a glance at the similar topics related to the main topic. This keeps you gaining more knowledge and if you forget a topic then this will be helpful for the future.

I hope that this content will be helpful to you. Thanks for reading!

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Bharath Kumar

Blogger | Front End Developer | Graphic Designer | Writer of Even this! Explore My Blog: http://mkbmtech.xyz/