9 Often Overlooked Signs of Exceptional Intelligence

what makes someone exceptional

Munawar Hussain


Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash


Intelligence is one of the most overvalued traits in our society. We are constantly bombarded with ads and messages saying how smart or talented we should be, and how we need to work hard on our intelligence to achieve our goals and become successful. However, there’s a lot more to being intelligent than just having an IQ score that shows up on an exam sheet — there are many signs of intelligence that people often overlook! Here are 10 ways that your brain shows us what makes you exceptional:

1. You have a high level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It’s a combination of self-awareness and social awareness. The two components are not separate: they go hand in hand with each other, so if you can’t manage yourself or your relationships, it’s likely that you won’t be able to manage others’ feelings either effectively.

Emotional intelligence isn’t just about being nice; it’s also about handling stressful situations more effectively than less intelligent people. For example: if someone says something hurtful (e.g., “you’re fat”) but doesn’t…

