
Published in
Sep 10, 2022
Image by bertvthul from Pixabay

When annihilation of the self is possible
Via the internal tug of war
Between who you want to be and who you have always been

When the indomitable spirit
Is nothing but a ceaseless crusade of self harm
Inflicted by the judgements of the avaricious surroundings

When all you have is time and no time
In the lookout for profundity
Dodging all the profane exercise of intellectual gymnastics

Deluded by nihilists
Awe struck by existentialists
Rejoicing in the irresponsible postmodern game of self pity

I took the forest route
With an atttidue of anthropocentric superiority
Over Nature’s (mis) perceived staticity

Low and behold!

I found myself in the lap of magnanimity
Facing the glorious sky
Pulled apart in multiple directions
Nature’s prakurata reshaped my ahamkara(identity)

