
I Discovered The Secret to Sudoku — Awareness of the Pairs

As in life, so in Sudoku


Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash

Game of small numbers
Look for sets of four or two
Follow every chain

Strategy Steps

  1. NO backtracking allowed.
  2. Focus on efficiency points in the grid.
  3. Notate elements only when constrained to two positions per group.
  4. Watch the surrounding changes for every solution.
  5. Follow through.

About the Author:

🔍 ㅤGustave Deresse Is a Canadian Writer, Editor, Wanderer, Cook, and Musical Artist Who Enjoys Exploring Themes as Spirituality, Logic, Love, Life, Philosophy, Nature, Art, Neurocognitive Psychology, Creativity, Writing, Humour, Inspiration, Music, Wellbeing — and the Weird.

My Introduction Page —

I appreciate you, take care.

— G

