Children And Sex-Education The Big Fuss In Society

Children Will Grow Up One Day….

4 min readOct 5, 2023


Picture of Books Created by AI (Dream By Wombo)

Sex education is probably one of the most taboo subjects in the modern society. Especially now when there is a huge diversity of opinions about sex and gender between generations – Liberal parents versus conservative parents. We cannot have conversation on sex education without conflict and without screaming! But let’s dive into the subject and ask the question! How much Sex education children, kids, and teens need?

Lately, in my home country, there was material realized called “Sexual Education: Questions and Answers”. And in a couple of days, it created a huge scandal in society! Different opinions were publicized on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Most of them were text such as…..

“My psyche cannot handle this disgusting crap!”
“We cannot give our children in the hands of pedophiles” and
“Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education is corrupting our children”.

Basically, the Rage Fest went wild. The domino effect of pure anger and personal harassment towards the team of creators. The most ridiculous thing at the moment when all this rage gathered into the storm. The original material was already hidden away from the public. This raises the question of how many people saw the material.

How many people have a valid judgment in this situation? OR THIS IS JUST LAZY TRY TO PUT ALL THE NEGATIVE ENERGY SOMEWHERE?

I believe we live in a democratic society, and we can have all the truth in our hands. I mean, sorry to say …. But every child with internet access has available hardcore porn. The only protective layer is the question — ARE YOU 18? Yet, sexual education material is considered to be harmful. Here the question arises,

Where is a fair and democratic conversation go?

Maybe our society is not ready to have responsible conversations about children’s sexual education. Possibly then we will let educate our children porn actors.

Let’s be real, in the information era, no parent can control children every step.

The biggest thing that made a fuss in Latvian society about the materials, such as sex education and other adult contents. Just take a look. Something Post Soviet Union countries cannot digest…. And statement that sex and gender could be different things. Same-sex relationships were decriminalized in Soviet territories only in 1993.

Picture from news article

Sadly, I cannot take a proper look at this material because as an educator, I am interested in it. Perhaps there is something truly dangerous? But I would love to be the judge of it myself. I believe there are scarier things than a little book in this world.

But why it is important to have proper Sex education?

  1. It builds trust — Imagine how much trust teens have in parents or teachers in this subject if all the information about sex he/she gathered from sites or self-learned? Most of my generation struggled to talk about sex with our parents… because this was the treatment we got….
  2. It makes fewer bad choices — There are so many urban myths about sex. For example, impossibility of getting pregnant for the first time etc. And do not forget about all the STDs, it is a real thing. And all of them we can treat to improve life. So there is nothing to feel ashamed of if we get unlucky…..
  3. Less chance of sexual abuse-There are too many examples of sexually assaulted children and women… and most of this happened because of silence in shame and having no idea of what is going on. Only in subject, we understand we can take a stand for ourselves.
  4. There will be less violence to minorities — I worked with children and adults for quite a time. And the most typical thing that they can do. It is to call somebody gay and afterward beat the crap off that person. Of course, it is the self-created reason for violence, but sadly it shows things about our culture. Such practiced behavior stays for a lifetime. When I was to my last Pride…. Well, I got fully checked by security for not having weapons or explosives. Well, I believe it says a lot. But the main thing, if we normalize differences, there will be less violence addressed against minorities. Also, I will put a picture of me in a pride…. ❤ So you can take a look.
Me with Demisexual (Attraction is dependent on emotional connection) eyeshadows in a Pride (Latvia, Riga, Vērmanes Dārzs)

I understand there are awesome parents which are wishing the best for their children. I applaud for that. But really, overprotection is really the thing that can solve anything? In the Time when all the information is at the end of our fingers in front of us on a computer screen! I believe the only actual power we still can have in this world is love and trust!

I ask nothing more than a moment of real democratic conversation. By putting our differences and fears side by side!

Because we are all here together. This world is in our hands. Let’s make it breathable with love and good values.

With Care and Love


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My Jurney lead my from failed student to trully exceptional educatar.... at least my kids are saying that...