Ducks Doin’ It

and boy can they be aggressive little brutes — can’t they?!

Stella Martann


scroll down for vids of males chasing lone female

Jiri Bubenicek — Wikimedia Commons

There are 44 ducks (primarily female) on the farm where I have worked for six months.

I took over the feeding and egg gathering a few months ago.

The female ducks went into high gear egg-laying in early March, at which time the owners put the ducks into a large fenced area about 60 by 150 feet. They lay 25–35 eggs every day, and they lay them all over the ground — only a few lay eggs in the hutch.

On March 13th, the owners began incubating the eggs. One female duck evaded capture and has been in hiding most of the time.

We suspected she had a clutch of eggs — she would show up early in the morning when I would be out feeding and then disappear.

This morning I went out, and two little chocolate brown fur-balls followed mama duck around.

There are now over 600 eggs in the incubator — I guess any day now and for the next month or so, babies will be popping out.

I can’t imagine how they will deal with hundreds of baby ducklings — another learning experience for me. My understanding is that they will be selling most of the ducklings.



Stella Martann

Digital nomad, prof organizer, life coach, nutritionist movin’ along the road less traveled.