I Am Mad As Hell, I Am Not Going To Take It Anymore!

Sandi Sipe
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2022

A year ago, I was happily surprised to learn that the present leader of the National Rifle Association was a woman. A liaison between the politicians and the people. Someone who can understand what is going on in the homes of the families suffering the loss of a loved one. She was someone who would be strong enough to make changes.

However, my happy surprise turned ugly and sad after the Uvalde Robb Elementary Massacre this Tuesday 5/24/2022 morning. My earlier thought was wrong.

This Wednesday morning, news affiliates everywhere take about the massacre of the elementary school, ten years after the Sandy Hook event and one year after the Florida tragedy. All in all, 80% of Americans want some kind of change in the Gun Reform.

Just so you are aware, NRA President Carolyn Meadows. Has extensive experience in the National Rifle Association. This woman has been on several boards with involvement with the NRA. I guess it is another money talk, death goes on.

This particular address is the contact page for the NRA’s Legislation and Administratvaitve action. Please use it to get your opinions heard.

How many school shootings have taken place in the United States In the Last Ten Years?

  • So far, the number is about 70 incidents estimated nationwide, and more than 400 since 2010. More than three-quarters of them were during school hours, according to the Center for Homeland and Defense Security’s K-12 School Shooting Database. In those incidents, over 400 have been wounded and over 200 have been killed.

In the past ten years have been many…too many events in schools. When we had our children at home during the Covid Pandemic in 202, there were no mass school shootings. Granted, moms and dads were more of a hands-on kind of parent, but that is a different issue.

Here’s some ironic news; steps to protect Donal Trump, and those who benefit from I'm are Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbot.

NRA Bans Firearms During Donald Trump’s Speech at Texas Event

The National Rifle Association (NRA) told attendees they will not be able to carry firearms during an event with former President Donald Trump at its Texas conference that will be held just days after a deadly mass shooting at an elementary school in the state.

On its website, the pro-gun organization declared that people would not be able to bring their firearms into the General Assembly Hall during its upcoming Annual Leadership Forum in Houston on Friday, May 27. (this is part of an article in Newsweek this Wednesday morning).

This notice was issued by the Secret Service, not the NRA, let’s get this straight at this point. NRA will comply because they need their cheerleaders safe.

Secret Service Notice

By entering this area — General Assembly Hall, you are consenting to a search of your person and belongings.

The following items are prohibited inside the General Assembly Hall:

  • Aerosols • Ammunition • Backpacks • Bags larger than 18"x13"x7" • Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems • Firearms • Glass, Thermal, or Metal Containers • Gun Parts, Holsters, Magazines, etc • Knives • Laser Pointers • Mace/Pepper Spray • Selfie Sticks • Signs • Toy guns • Umbrellas • Weapons of any kind
  • Any other item determined to be potential safety hazards

Americans are Wonder Why and are Afraid

Parents are unsure if it is a good idea to send students to school next year at any grade level. Is it safe? What keeps kids like that 18 years old from coming in and killing my child? Who will protect them? What are the steps to protect my son or daughter?

These are sensible questions that must be asked. What happens if parents take matters in hand and keep kids at home? Schools rely on the visible and physical presents of a student. Butt in the Seat is required to get state and federal funding for a school district. Now what? Will the school district assist a patent who chooses to go online for classes? What happens?

What can we do now?

Make suitable changes that will influence your child. Talk with them about steps to take if in a situation at school or in public to help themselves. Get low, and stay still. (Pretend to be dead or asleep.)

Make a choice; do you want to take a stand and tell the National Rifle Association and Congress…fix this or get out.

  1. Let us focus on changing the age requirements for purchasing an assault rifle. See, I’m not asking to take the gun away, but I am fighting that the age is raised to twenty-one (21). Most kids can’t even drink a beer, but they can buy an automatic assault rifle like the AR15…does that make any damn sense to you? Florida changed its law to this age limit.
  2. We need an accurate database, up-to-date, and enforceable. This should be part of the red flag rule. Gun dealers, if a customer comes in and the tension in the air is thick and, or weird, put them on the red flag list. Save a life; do not worry about the sale.
  3. A weapons class should be required to ensure that a person is mentally capable of owning and handling a weapon of his caliber. When they come in to buy a gun, they are looking to either kill many people or join a military-type cult.

This is only a toe in the water, I am done venting, it is now time to take safety matters into my own hands. I will teach my grandson how to lie down and stay still, what to look for in a school, and how to contact help in the 911 dispatch.

To the men and women at the NRA headquarters, come and talk to me; explain to me why you are dragging your feet on sensible changes to save lives — do not tell me a damn thing about the 2nd Amendment; I am a former police officer in the United States Air Force I do not want to hear that shit. When you come to visit me, I will make the tea so we can talk.

To the memory of the victims of the massacre; Rest in peace baby boys and baby girls. You knew no fear until it came to claim you, and it was swift and the pain was short.



Sandi Sipe

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.