Trick that helped me keep my hair healthy

Fayzen K.
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2024

The time after 20 does not only come with a gust of wind that imbues a sense of responsibility but it also never disappoints in bestowing nature’s most cruel gift and that is balding.

I always had this healthy, dense and voluminous silky hair that I thought to be my biggest asset. However, about 2 years ago, my barber told me that my hair was thinning and a receding hairline would soon be evident. I did not care much about his words maybe because I constructed a shelter of delusions consolidated by the praise that I’d mostly get on my silky hair. It only took a few months to prove the prescience of my barber that I started losing my hair drastically. Anyhow, I applied a few changes in my life that helped me reduce the hair fall and eventually, I started growing back a healthy voluminous hair and now even my barber gets surprised to the magic.

Hair loss can be from many reasons, however, I’ll list a few potential causes that are most common in our age:

  • Genetics — now genetics is something that is not your fault and you cannot fight it. Male pattern baldness generally in the shapes of M, U and V occur at the crown.
  • Hormonal imbalance — we all have faced various symptoms of hormonal imbalances that majorly includes acne, hair fall or weight changes. However, it is upto us to incline towards a proactive approach to treating it as soon as possible.
  • Malnutrition — the lack of proper nutrients can result in various adverse effects on health.
  • Hair coloring and styling — adolescence comes with a tendency to try and adopt the changes in both mental and physical aspects. It’s normal for teenagers to dye and style their hair, however, bleaching hair or using various forms of products to make them stiff for styling is one of the leading cause of hair thinning.

The magic that helped me regrow hair and keep them healthy

I remember a few months ago when I visited my barber for a haircut, he was astonished to see my healthy long hair. However, it was not some mystic knowledge but through a minor changes I brought and helped me.

1. Massaging scalp

Scalp massage helps stimulate and improve the blodd circulation in the hair follicles. The blood vessels expand and the smooth blood flow helps in stretching out the cells of hair follicles which reciprocate you in the form of thicker hair strands. I massaged my scalp daily but it must be done gently to prevent hair breakage.

2. Applying oil every Sunday

UV rays, bleaching, styling and the chemicals in various shampoo or products damage the cuticle. However, to prevent the protein loss, I applied coconut oil every Sunday and it worked wonders. Oil helps in moisturizing the hair and reducing the breakage. It helps acting as a protective layer against the sun, wind and dry conditions.

3. Shampoo causes brittleness

Shampoo can strip the scalp of essential oil, that it naturally produces, resulting in a dry, dull and brittle hair prone to breakage. It took me quite some time to accept that shampooing caused me more harm than good. Whenever you shampoo, just make sure that you use it on hair and not on the scalp. I applied the trick and it helped me cleanse my hair and also keep my scalp moisturized.

4. Use a wood comb

Combs with sharp edges can be harsh on hair and lead to breakage. Use a seamless comb but never ever use a metal comb as it can wipe away the natural oil and cause breakage. A wood comb is best as it glides smoothly and doesn’t produce much friction.

5. Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is necessary for maintaining a strong and shiny hair. Our lack of nutrients lead to hair loss at any age, therefore, it is necessary to make a proper diet plan and have a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that help in hair growth. The importance of vegetables should never be overlooked while preparing a diet plan. Spinach and other leafy greens helped me a lot in my overall physical health.

6. Multivitamins

Our body often lacks the vitamins essential for hair growth. I took multivitamins after consulting a doctor. Multivitamins are the efficacious entity capable of asserting its importance for a healthy immune system.

7. Say No to chemical products

I stopped using the chemical products that helped me in styling my hair. There is no need to style your hair, just have a proper haircut but never think of trying various products as there’s no need to experiment to keep up with the pace of the world. A healthy hair is what that matters.

8. Stop overthinking

I understand how balding can leads to stress and overthinking but it should be realized that the opposite is also true. Stress and overthinking leads to balding and male pattern baldness as it can result in a medical condition known as Telogen Effluvium. Telogen Effluvium is a common type of hair loss that is caused as a result of sever stress and anxiety, however, on a brighter side, the hair loss in this condition is reversible. I just stopped stressing myself because hair is more important.

9. Eight hours sleep

An eight hour sleep is necessary for a healthier life style even if it includes mental or physical health. There is no escape from denying the importance of adequate sleep as it is that unmitigated reality that if accepted would prove beneficial in turning the fate in one’s own side. Not having enough sleep decreases the level of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for hair growth. Furthermore, having a 8 hour sleep helps the pituitary gland secrete a hormone that succours growth.

My journey from balding to back to confidence

I must say that the confidence that I was shedding with my hair is now back and I feel the best, I feel victorious. The journey from balding to a head full of healthy hair did not take much time, it hardly took 4 months but the efforts that I put in were indeed demanding. One thing that I want you to realize from my experience is that it is never late. Your brain and the pressure agents around you will constantly demotivate you that the damage has been done and the loss is irreparable but believe me, it is never late. Just stay consistent and do not lose hope.

I hope you liked it 😊

Have a beautiful day just like yourself.



Fayzen K.

A young, passionate and an ambitious boy. Writes for fun, to express idea and above all, to embark on a journey while making friends on the way.