It’s Nice To Take Care Of Others, But How Well Do You Look After Yourself?

Thoughts on lifestyle

Cypriano Onyeka Mokobia
5 min readJan 20, 2022


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

How well do you look after yourself?

Hmm. Did that make you pause for a while?

Many people are prone to prioritizing others’ needs before their own. Take some time to consider whether or not you are doing so.

  • When was the last time you gave yourself a whole day?
  • Did something that you wanted to do?
  • How about a relaxing soak in a hot tub?
  • Have you ever spent all day in the garage working on something?

Your concept of self-care is crucial. Keep your mental, physical, and spiritual components in mind each day and invest in yourself if you want to avoid burnout or just plain unpleasant moods.

6 simple ways to practice self-care on a daily basis

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Self- Care Worthy Practice

1‘You’ time in the morning

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Do you get out of bed and start your day right away?
Do you seem to be hustling all morning and exhausted by 10 a.m.? Getting up 15 to 30 minutes before everyone else to spend some quiet time just for yourself is a terrific approach to practice self-care. You are free to pray, meditate, watch TV, go for a walk, and so on.

You will feel re-energized for the remainder of the day after this time. You’ll discover that you’re less irritable, have more energy, and look forward to your morning ME time.

2. Socialize with your friends

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

According to health experts, people who have at least one good friend are happier than those who do not.

Do you have someone or a group of persons for whom you can set aside time on a regular basis?

I understand that life is hectic, but friendship is something worth investing time on. Go out for coffee, see a movie, eat dinner, walk, or do whatever you like. You’ll feel revitalized and renewed afterward.

3. Calm your thoughts

Photo by Faruk Tokluoğlu on Unsplash

It’s reasonable that life can get extremely chaotic, and stress levels might skyrocket.

We’ve all been in that situation. With job, family, housework, projects, and other obligations, it can seem as if there is never enough time to do the things you enjoy. Our minds are constantly engaged with inner chatter, on top of being so busy on the outside.
If you try not to think for a minute, you’ll immediately realize that the endeavor appears to be practically impossible.

You can connect with the Divine on numerous levels whether or not you believe in a Higher Power. Some people choose to pray to God, while others prefer to meditate in order to calm their minds. Some people prefer to connect with nature by sitting in it.

Simply connecting in this way for a few minutes each day or throughout the day can make people feel lighter, less worried, and more joyous.

4. Take care of yourself

Oprah Winfrey: Take Care of Yourself

Allow yourself to indulge in your passions once in a while.

Do you want a whole day to yourself? Let your family know, then go do something you’ve always wanted to do. No guilt, either; tell your family that you deserve a day to invest in your awesomeness every now and then.

5. Keep a journal

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Remember how you used to write in your diary virtually nonstop when you were younger?

Start a diary to keep track of your thoughts, dreams, successes, and anything else you want to write down. Looking back over the years to see how your life has evolved is entertaining, and journaling is also incredibly therapeutic.

Are you stumped for ideas? Examine a number of guided journals with thought-provoking prompts on Amazon.

6. Incorporate mindfulness/meditation into your daily routine

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Meditation is nothing more than the practice of becoming calm and quieting one’s mind. It’s a method utilized by those who desire to spend more time in a condition of calm and relaxation.

Meditation has been shown to provide benefits that are well worth the effort. Those who have adopted meditation into their life report feeling less stressed, their blood pressure has lowered, and they are generally happier, serene, and hopeful.

  • Find a peaceful place to meditate.
  • Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax every part of your body by sitting or lying down.
  • After that, concentrate on your inhale and exhale.
  • Make sure you’re inhaling and exhaling normally.
  • When you concentrate on your breathing, your mind tends to become clear of extraneous thoughts.
  • It’s fine if a notion comes to you now and then.
  • Simply acknowledge and let go of the thought.
  • You might be considering what to have for dinner.
  • Recognize it and then return your attention to your breathing.

Meditation requires time and effort to master. The more you do it, the better at managing your thoughts you will become. Meditation allows you to become more in sync with your body, which is excellent to your health. Hardcore meditators will provide you with a list of the benefits of meditation if you ask them.

Invest in yourself on a daily basis

Les Brown — Invest In Yourself

It takes time and effort to look for yourself.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re unlikely to receive the care you require. Give yourself permission to take regular time to tend to your own wants and needs if you’re too busy caring for others.

The better you feel, the better you’ll be able to get back out and help others. However, you must strike a balance between the two.

You are worthy of taking time to invest in YOU regularly. Others will just have to understand, and chances are, they will. Simply let them know that you can’t pour out from an empty cup.

You must take time daily to fill yourself up in a variety of ways. Dedicate yourself to self-care. You deserve it!

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