My 2022 Reflection Questions

5 Reflection Questions to help plan goals for 2023

Dalton Graff
4 min readJan 6, 2023


Shallow focus of person holding mirror. My 2022 Reflection Questions 5 Reflection Questions to help plan goals for 2023 Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash at Medpage
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

2022 has come to an end, and what a year it was! Reflection is important to look back on what you have accomplished and to prepare a plan for 2023.

I asked myself the following personal reflection questions to reflect on the year and begin to generate some 2023 goal ideas!

1. What was the best thing to have happened this year?

2022 was a pretty amazing year if I’m being honest. That said, the best thing that happened to me is still a no-brainer, I married the love of my life! Our wedding day was incredible, she looked so stunning in her dress that I cried. It was the most magical day.

2. What was the most challenging thing this year?

During 2022 we were all still dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic, so I don’t need to dwell on those challenges. I faced the professional challenge of finding a new job, I had outgrown my previous company, and it began to affect my mental health. This meant I had to force myself to practice interviewing again, and re-learn how to answer technical questions I hadn’t thought about since university, you know the drill.

In my personal life, I found it challenging to keep in touch with my close friends while traveling across Canada. As men, we don’t necessarily “chat” as much as we should, so when we aren’t able to get together every other weekend to actually hang out, we begin to drift apart.

3. What am I grateful for?

I have a lot to be grateful for in 2022, it was an exciting year, I got married and enjoyed lots of travel with my wife! We love traveling and have had so much fun this past year being digital nomads. At the root of all this is the new job that I landed this year, which offers a remote-first work environment. That along with my wife’s remote job has to top my list of gratitude for the year because of the life it allows us to lead.

4. What career goals did I achieve this year?

I wouldn’t say that I achieved any specific career goals, but as I mentioned before, I landed myself an amazing new job that offers the perfect remote working benefits to suit my lifestyle. I consider that a huge win in the career department!

5. What was my favorite moment when I think of 2022?

This is probably the easiest question on this list for me to answer, it was the moment my wife and I read our vows to each other.


I know, sappy, but it’s true! My wife and I have been together now for almost 9 years, so it was quite a special moment when we finally tied the knot.

Goals for 2023

Now that I’ve done some reflecting on the past year, it’s time to start thinking ahead. There are a few obvious things that I would like to change fur 2023, such as putting more effort into keeping in contact with my friends.

Let’s talk about the goals that aren’t so surface-level.

I found that 2022 was a good year overall, I can’t really think of many negative things to bring up, and it feels as though anything that seemed bad at the time (like not enjoying my job), ended up leading to a pretty good outcome!

That being said, I would like to focus my 2023 goals on improving my overall health. Not just doing more running at the gym, but many avenues of “health”.

Mental, physical, nutritional, and financial.

I want to be more consistent in my healthy eating habits, and try to make more homemade foods rather than store-bought alternatives packed with sugar!

I want to meditate more, try out journaling, and practice yoga to improve my mental state.

I already go to the gym a lot, but this year I want to get on a workout plan and push myself harder than I did last year to see some better results. Also, I should really start doing more cardio to improve my overall cardiovascular health — not just as a source of burning calories.

Financially, I really feel like this is the year we can start putting away extra cash into our future investments. We are much more stable in our jobs and don’t have any big purchases, like a wedding, coming up. Focusing more actively on putting money away each month is definitely something I will strive for in 2023.

I hope this has helped you generate some goals for 2023 and given you a few things to reflect on for last year. I truly hope that you had a happy new year, let’s crush 2023 and make it the best year yet!



Dalton Graff
Writer for

Software developer, passionate about travel, fitness, and being a good husband.