Off To The Races in Rome

How One Lana Del Ray Song is Forever Attached To My Birthday

Stanley C.


Photo by Markus Lederer on Unsplash

The Eternal City

I spent my 21st birthday in Rome.

The year was 2015, and I was studying abroad in England at the time, having the time of my life. I went to this university to learn more about Europe and explore the continent. Over my four months in the great United Kingdom I visited France, Ireland, Northern Island, Germany, and Italy. Even though I didn’t have friends at the campus I was going to I did know someone who was studying abroad in Rome at the time.

Our main bond at the time was international affairs and intercultural exchange. This friend of mine majored in International affairs while I was a political science major. Therefore, they were in their element in Italy while I was slowly learning the ropes. Their campus was also interspersed in the ancient city while mine was a traditional 20,000 student body campus that was more impressive than the small town it existed in.

My friend also arrived in Italy earlier than I did in England. Therefore, she had more time to find the cool spots, make fascinating friends, and date around. I had my share of fun in England as well, but the main difference involved something outside of the people; weather. I would soon find out, but Rome was…



Stanley C.

Hi there 👋🏾 I'm a music writer that posts weekly essays about albums, genres, songs, and other novel topics in the music world that span across time.