Parents, Do you say ‘I am Proud of you!’ enough times to your children?

It might be a small thing but the world to a child

Poonam Bhatt


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Do you remember what is the last time you said to your child that, you are proud of them?

If you find it hard to recall then don't worry, almost all parents miss it often to say that they are proud of their children. It is not about telling this to others, but to the children themselves.

As a parent, you might get busy in your daily routine and you forget to say this. Life happens. I don't blame parents for not being able to do this. Life is too busy these days, parents hardly get peaceful moments with their children.

But trust me these words said by parents, fill the child with confidence that no other can give. As a parent, you might have your own world where you are working. But for the child, you are their whole world. Children see him/her self from the eyes of their parents. When they do any mistakes they look upon their parents to see how their parents are going to react. The same is true for things that were difficult for them to do but still, they attempt.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

For parents, it might be a small thing but for children, it might be the toughest thing they have done. So in return children expect a reaction from their parents.

Children look upon their parents to see where they stand in from of their eyes. At such time, if they cloud listen that “I am proud of you for doing this”, can give them confidence and happiness. Children will understand that the efforts that they have done, in spite of the toughness of the task, matter to their parents.

Always takeout the time to appreciate your children. Tell them often they mean the world to you, and you are proud of them. They will be filled with confidence and joy. This is my way of parenting and helped me a lot. Hope it will help you too.

Happy Parenting!

Poonam Bhatt is an avid reader, blogger, and author of the book GOAL TO SUCCESS.



Poonam Bhatt

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