Philosophy capsules

Nisshanth K
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2022
Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash

Plato forms
Aristotle causes
The mind ascends ….

Augustine curses
Aquinas deprives
Matter is shunned.

As Descartes divides
Matter from mind
Hobbes fears
Locke objectifies
Mill expresses
Freud psychoanalyses
Matter ascends…
Leaving mind behind

Rousseau romanticises
Hume doubts
Kant moralises
Hegel idealises
Mind tyrannises matter.

Marx materialises
A frictitious faulty integration
Jung mystifies mind
Nietzsche electrifies matter
Foucault liquifies both structures

Thus, goes the story of human nature
Lobotomised between matter and mind
Lacking the cohesive force called life

Socrates simply smiles
Zarathustra erupts in laughter
Krishnamurti stoically observes
Ramana stays poised
Osho sardonically smirks
While Aurobindo attempts

To integrate matter , life and mind
With and within the tremendous force
Of the exiled soul, to usher in the twilight
Where the sun eyed children transform
Into the sturdy architects of immortality..


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Nisshanth K

Human Being-Writer- Poet- Philosopher- Teacher-