Medtrics at Philly Spin-In.

$650,000: A Big Ride for Little Hearts

Rio Weber
3 min readMar 20, 2020


This year, Medtrics joined over 1,600 other riders for a high-energy, heart-pounding, music-filled indoor cycling party!

“I can’t think of anything more important than taking a child who has a fatal heart disease and getting them through to live to be a grandparent”

As you may or may not know. With the growth of our company we are able to give back to the community. If you’re going to give back, always start locally.

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

When CHOP first started it only had room for 12 beds, now at well over 500 the , but none of this would be possible without the charitable work of its donors. Each year CHOP receives millions of dollars from charity, so the amount we are able to give this year may seem like a drop in the bucket, but the drive of the community is what helps propel that forward.

Participating in the this years Philly Spin-In really showed how dedicated and enthusiastic those who give really are. It’s high energy and high spirits as everyone pedals together to raise over $650,000 to support the Cardiac Center at CHOP. We know donations go a long way to help those in need of a new heart, and we will continue to donate where and when we can to make tomorrows breakthroughs possible.

Improving peoples lives is what we strive for, and helping children with heart disease is one of the best ways we know how.


As you may know, this cause is a personal one for us. Keith Flynn, who is a close friend of our team and an associate of our sponsor Medtrics Lab. Keith was born with multiple congenital heart defects and endured several surgeries through childhood and adolescence, currently Keith and the team of Cardiologist treating him are preparing to list him for a heart and liver transplant. That team of doctors includes doctors from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, they are Christopher E. Mascio and Dr. Emily Sue. Ruckdeschel. Grateful to have found the medical experts at CHOP and UPenn, Keith, his family, and friends have hope that Keith will have an increased quality of life after their transplant journey.

In October of 2019, Keith was interviewed on Heart to Heart with Anna; link here For anyone who would like to learn more about his journey and how CHD impacts families and the workplace. Keith will be appearing again on the Heart to Heart with Anna podcast in 2020 to provide an update on his transplant journey and dive deeper into various CHD topics.

This year, 2020, may finally be the year Keith is listed and receives a Heart and Liver transplant. Lifesaving procedures like transplants would not be possible without the decades of research, education, and dedication from thousands of researchers and cardiologists like those at CHOP. This is the reason we donate. This, is the reason we ride.

Read More About Keith’s Story

See all updates here on Facebook

  • Excerpt: “Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and positive vibes y’all are sending our way, this has been years in the making and it may finally be happening in 2020.”

Why We Spin:

  • Little hearts need us: Parents shouldn’t have to hear the words “your child has congenital heart disease.” Yet, 1 in every 120 babies born in the U.S. are diagnosed with congenital heart disease.
  • Together, we’ll create a breakthrough for every child: “I can’t think of anything more important than taking a child who has a fatal heart disease and getting them through to live to be a grandparent,” says Matthew Gillespie, MD, Interventional Cardiologist at CHOP. “We have in recent years made incredible, important breakthroughs that nobody else has had in some of the most important issues affecting our patients. We really need the support of philanthropy to make that possible.”

