Medtrics back from the ACGME 2018 Annual Education Conference in Orlando, FL.

Rio Weber
Published in
1 min readMar 13, 2018

The Medtrics team had a great turn-out at the ACGME Annual Education Conference in March, bringing in more interested customers. Everyone who visited the Medtrics booth (#40) near the main entrance of the exhibit hall, was intrigued to learn about the value Medtrics is delivering to clients.

Onboarding, Milestones, IRIS, Duty Hours, Calendar, Documents, Evaluations, Projects

We even launched our new website to help celebrate and show off all of Medtrics new features.

New website. Check it out!

Visitors to the booth really loved the signature clean minimalist look with wood floors and large displays.

Be sure to catch Medtrics next year at the ACGME Conference again in Orlando Florida in 2019!

