AAMC Conference 2019

Learn Serve Lead, Phoenix Arizona, Nov 2–6

Rio Weber
3 min readNov 26, 2019


Friendly Faces and Happy Clients!

That’s what we found this year at the AAMC Conference.

Every day, doctors and medical professionals meet to tackle some biggest challenges in medical education and patient care. Medtrics support their efforts in leading medical education by providing a superior product to replace legacy systems. At the AAMC conference when joined by not only the world's leading medical educators but also the administrators that make it all work, one can not help but feel hopeful for our future. The AAMC staff have taken the reins on future education and standardization for medical schools that have taken part in the Curriculum Inventory Report. We are in full support of AAMC’s efforts and could not be more excited to present our latest solutions.

The foundation that all proper educations start with is a well-mapped curriculum. Our intuitive Curriculum mapping abilities stands as the pillar that all else rests on.

With a properly outlined and researched curriculum, the rest will fall into place. Once implemented, Medtrics also integrates tools to monitor the success of the curriculum. Allowing educators to quickly search, visualize, and manipulate data in Medtrics ensures that a curriculum is not only complete but also improving outcomes for the individual student, in each course, and in each session within that course. The steps it takes from mastering ones curriculum to evaluating the results can only be expressed as “seamless”.

We look forward to continuing our support of great leaders and doctors though the simplicity of our product for years to come.

Here are some of our highlights from the 2019 AAMC Learn, Serve, Lead conference in Phoenix, Arizona:

The meals were great too!

Chris said, and I quote, “how small can I cut my celery.”

Looking forward to next year 2020 conference in D.C.

Learn Serve Lead 2020: The AAMC Annual Meeting is the signature learning and networking event for all those who care about the future of academic medicine. Learn Serve Lead draws a broad spectrum of individuals who will unite in Washington, D.C., November 13–17, 2020, to discover new ideas, discuss emerging innovations, and share in an incredibly meaningful experience.

— Rio

