The Benefits of Juice Fasting

Part 2 of the ‘How to Juice Fast‘ series

Tina Schomburg
Meducated Org 


See the video here:

1. Your digestive system will get much needed rest.

Yup, I said it again, but you get it already. We’ve covered this exhaustively by now. Your digestive system needs to take a break to stay healthy like everything else. Next.

2. You will lose those extra pounds.

You’re fasting — naturally you are going to lose a few pounds. What’s important to keep in mind is that these are not just any kind of pounds though. Juice Fasting is a cleansing mechanism, so the pounds that you will be shedding are made up of toxins that have accumulated in your body. So you’re not just losing weight, you’re also getting rid of toxins which will make you feel like you just lost 10 instead of 2 pounds.

3. You will remove toxins and waste from your body.

Removing toxins and waste from your body is a benefit in and of itself. This is important to note because your body doesn’t get the chance to “clean the house” when there is constantly something else to do. When you give your digestive system a break by not consuming any solid foods, it can focus its attention on removing the culprits in your body that should not be there.

It’s not secret that we live in a polluted environment. And I’m not just talking about air pollution. I’m also talking about the chemicals we breathe in when we clean our homes with conventional household supplies; when we apply perfume or cologne. Or the chemicals that seep into our skin when we apply deodorant, go to the swimming pool, when we put on make up or dye our hair. And not to mention the toxins we put directly into our body via the foods and drinks we choose to consume. I don’t want to freak you out, but in a way, I do want to freak you out to help you realize that it’s absolutely neccessary to get rid of these toxins before they accumulate in your body and cause serious illness. I would know.

4. Your skin will clear up and glow radiantly.

Another great benefit that you can see with your own eyes! When I finished 6 months of chemotherapy (toxin overload!), I started to break out badly. I realized my body was trying to get rid of these accumulated toxins in any way that it could. The skin is the largest organ we have, so of course my body was pushing out toxins through my skin.

My skin after a 3-day Juice Fast

When I did a 3-day juice fast, I could visibly see the difference it made. My dry skin was no longer dry. The pimples and bumps vanished. I’m not saying I had a baby clear face by the end of it, but the difference was incredibly noticeable. And of course when the skin looks good, we feel more beautiful which consequently makes us happier. And when we’re happy, our body functions way better, in comparison to when it’s in a negative emotional state (which I will talk more about that in a later video!). So you see, it’s a full circle! One good thing leads to another when you Juice Fast.

5. No more stomach and digestion issues

Not sure if you’ve noticed this as well, but there’s been a dramatic increase in “Irritable bowel syndrome” (IBS) cases, where people complain about stomach problems, cramps, bloating, and other symptoms. The gluten-free craze has certainly been a result of this. While limiting your gluten intake is probably a wise decision for most, I would still recommend a Juice Fast for anyone suffering from IBS and other bowel-related issues. I have struggled with these symptoms as well and I was shocked how quickly I noticed a relief. And for those who are *not* suffering from any bowel disease symptoms, Juice Fasting is a fantastic preventative measure to keep your gut healthy and happy.

6. You will be more mentally alert and focused.

[After the cleanse], you will have removed toxins from your body that have likely caused you to experience episodes of ‘brain frog’ — that feeling where you can’t think clearly and it’s difficult for you to focus on tasks; everything is kind of blurry and your cognitive abilities slow down. I personally enjoyed this benefit very much because it allowed me to super charge my brain; or at least that’s what it felt like.

And even if you’re not suffering from any brain fog, it’s great to take your mind off food. How much time do you spend a day thinking about what you should eat, when you should make it, how much you should make…It gets a bit tiring, especially if you are someone who makes a habit of cooking at home, rather than eating out all the time.

I should mention however that during the Juice Fast, you may experience the exact opposite. You may find it difficult to concentrate because your brain will go into panic mode and your survival instinct will kick in. It will try to say anything to make you eat food — this is a natural mechanism and as long as you recognize that, you can simply respond, “Chill out brain, this is good for us!”

7. You will increase your willpower.

Willpower, I have come to believe, is one of the greatest skills that anyone can and should practice. Why? Because it allows you to do so much more in your life time. How many times have you said you would do something and then didn’t do it. I do, ever day. But every day, I do a little less of it by consciously applying will power. Following through on what you say — walking the walk — that’s what all the successful people around us do. When you resist the urge to eat anything for at least 72 hours, your willpower grows exponentially and that will reflect in other aspects of your life. All of the sudden, other tasks you put your mind to will no longer seem so far-fetched and a lot easier to accomplish.

8. It will unleash your body’s natural healing powers.

The act of cleansing in and of itself can be very powerful if you allow it to be. Juice Fasting is beneficial for everyone. People with existing health conditions (me included) have accredited Juice Fasting for expediting their recovery by unleashing the natural healing powers of your body, mind, and soul. I look at Juice Fasting as a natural medicine that is available to everyone if they are strong enough to give it a try!

DON’T THOSE BENEFITS SOUND SUPER PROMISING FOR A 72-HOUR HEALTH GIG? There are so many more benefits to juice fasting, and of course results vary from person to person. We all react differently to health regimens. Having said that, you may want to customize your juice fast so that you focus specifically on vegetables (and fruit) that are proven to help eliminate health conditions. To help you memorize some of the natural healing properties of the vegetables and fruits that are most commonly used for juicing, I have put together a collage. You can go through it at your own pace and use it as a cheat-sheet for when you need it.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of How to Juice Fast to find out what fruits and vegetables are the most beneficial during your juice fast.



Tina Schomburg
Meducated Org 

Co-author of the anthology Her Art of Surrender, Yoga teacher, Certified Death Doula, Intuitive Counsellor, and 2x Cancer Survivor.