Suffer from Eczema? Here is How this Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema Naturally!

Tina Schomburg
Meducated Org 
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2014

This article was originally published on by Dolores Bruni.

When my daughter developed eczema at 4 months of age, my husband and I were at a loss because we didn’t know anyone with this condition. We were at the mercy of the doctors and took their advice and treatment plan. As the condition worsened to the point of infection, my husband and I took it upon ourselves to find out more about eczema and about all the “new findings” that had not gone main stream as of yet.

The doctors and dermatologists were hopeful that she would get better, but her eczema that started as a pea sized scab on one cheek, grew to cover her whole cheek then it moved to the other cheek and engulfed both cheeks with bright red, raw, inflamed and oozing skin.

It not only looked like it was burned but it was incredibly itchy. My daughter would try and scratch her face all day and night. During the day, I had to hold her down and at night we swaddled her. The doctors gave us medications to try and relieve her itch, but it only lasted a short time. We tried oatmeal baths, but it just made the itch worse. We had to resort to Benadryl, as that would relieve the itch for most of the night and also give her some comfort while she slept. We also tried every cream we could get our hands on, about 30 different creams from the drug store and the natural health store. Nothing stopped the itch!

We asked the dermatologist if food had anything to do with her itch and he said that there were foods that would make the itch worse but not actually cause the itch.

So I went to Dr. Google and decided to do a little digging. As a Nutritionist myself, I knew the typical foods that would cause a breakout such as, dairy, wheat, eggs, nuts, corn and soy. I took the dermatologist’s advice and stayed away from strawberries, chocolate, caffeine, tomatoes, citrus as they can also cause an eczema breakout. So since I was not giving her any of these foods, I was convinced that it could very well be something else. Her clothes, her toys and everything she touched were switched to cotton. We changed the detergent to hypo-allergenic, we bathed her in nothing but water, I purified the drinking water and made all her foods from scratch. Then we noticed that the itch and the breakouts were happening right after she ate.

The main foods I was giving her (she was 7 months old at the time) were, sweet potato, quinoa, bananas, and oatmeal. She loved all these foods and never fussed about eating them. Then upon doing my research, I came across a doctor by the name of Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, ND. She wrote a book called the GAPS Diet, short for Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, which addresses many conditions including eczema, but it focuses primarily on healing the gut. There are many studies that show the strong connection between gut health and skin health.

If the gut is not performing optimally or is inflamed in any way, then conditions like eczema and other skin related conditions can manifest as inflammation on the skin.


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Tina Schomburg
Meducated Org 

Co-author of the anthology Her Art of Surrender, Yoga teacher, Certified Death Doula, Intuitive Counsellor, and 2x Cancer Survivor.