Left: Whole body mip image showing whole metastases, Right: Head to below the knee joint PET/CT coronal image shows whole metastases
Left: Head to below the knee joint PET/CT sagital image shows whole spine metastases, Middle: Head to below the knee joint PET/CT coronal image shows pelvis metastases, Right: Head to below the knee joint PET/CT coronal image shows spine and pelvis metastases
Left: PET/CT axial image shows lung window pulmonary metastases, Middle: PET/CT axial image shows pelvis metastases, Right: PET/CT axial image shows spinal metastases

A middle aged male with Metastatic Prostate Cancer


Background: It is thought that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, and the fifth most common cause of cancer death among men. According to American Institute for Cancer Research there is strong evidence that: being overweight or obese increases the risk of advanced prostate cancer; being tall increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Clinical history: 52 years male, Metastatic Ca Prostate, Status post radical prostatectomy 3/18, External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) — June 2020, has had androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and chemo therapy completed Jan 2020, — F18 PSMA PET/CT evaluation for extent of disease.

Our Findings: This is an abnormal F-18 PSMA PET/CT study.

Status post radical prostatectomy without PSMA avid recurrence over surgical bed.

Solitary tiny PSMA avid left obturator node medial to left ureter is seen.

Multiple PSMA avid bilateral pulmonary nodules consistent with metastases are seen.

Widespread PSMA avid marrow metastasis involving axial and appendicular skeleton are seen.

PSMA avid bony metastasis with underlying sclerosis involving left iliac bone is seen.



Dr. Muayad Mahmud

Nuclear Medicine Manager, Medya Diagnostic Center-Erbil, Researcher at Erbil Polytechnic University-Erbil.